This is the Message Centre for lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Started conversation Dec 21, 2009
It's that time of year again, where our thoughts turn to family and friends.
A number of you have been on a bit of a rollercoaster this last year or so. Some of us have weathered the storm, others have not been so lucky
H2g2 is a wonderful Community, full of caring friends. I wish you all a Peaceful and Happy Christmas. With health, wealth and happiness throughout the coming year
Please raise your glasses to our 'Absent Friends'
With love and best wishes to you all....
lil xxx
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Dec 21, 2009
his as been the first year, ive lost no family, but a few friends of h2g2. so here is my glass to anyone losing friends and family in the last year, may they long be remembered. jimbob
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
Helleborus a.k.a. Nigel Posted Dec 21, 2009
To absent friends and loved ones
It makes you think coming towards the end of each year, especially if you have lost close relatives or friends
I have lost my nan and a close friend this year, my nan very sudden which was an awful shock. Rest in peace nan
Merry Christmas to all on h2g2, I hope that 2010 brings us
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
Yarreau Posted Dec 21, 2009
To those who got lost along the way...
... and to that special someone who loved Christmas most of all.
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
Websailor Posted Dec 21, 2009
Thank you so much Lil. It has been a bit of a bumpy road but I too am so grateful for h2g2 and the friends I have made over the years, some more faithful that RL friends
to Absent Friends.
A Happy Christmas and a Good New Year to you and yours.
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Dec 21, 2009
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
Good_Ridence_BBC Posted Dec 21, 2009
Here you are Lil.
I've left message on here for you ages ago as I can no longer get on your space hence the Advent Calendar, I sent you two emails ages ago now, when I was in Doncaster. The 14th Dec 09 before I left I checked Emails nothing. BTW Merry Crimbo -> orange all round
no alcohol allowed!
And a Happy new year 2010.
I have one thing to say I supose you'll all be putting the flags out next year when you all change over to the new BBC_iD because I ain't moving I'm closing the doors on this place I found els where that I can use via my mobile phone called QEEP ^~^shakira^~^ sent me the link I get free internet browsing so don't cost me a penny.
Have fun everyone, hence as soon as I come on line you all just disapear gone!
pitty there isn't a smiley for Dale quietly 's away into the distance. Well I wouldn't go as far to say this is a *wonderful site* I find some people on here ignorant
to say.
Not to worry eh I won't be around for much longer then you can all raise your glasses and say Hip-Hip-Heray he's gone! And Chris if you want to keep your name you have now to fit in the-> 30 charactors
lil~ACE/Scout {Auntie Giggles} yours now has 32
lil ~ ACE hence the spaces between ( ~ )
Everyone have a wonderfull Christmas and new year 2010
Time 23:03 21/12/09
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
zendevil Posted Dec 22, 2009
*sigh* Yes the new sign in stuff is a pain *but* it's still a
caring community; please stay around.
There are idiot trolls but they are few & far between in my view & go away if you ignore them.
Absent fiends; yes, let's drink a toast to that
And more toast to those of our fiends who are here & supporting each other.
What are we all doing for Christmas? Anyone managed to get all their Christmas cards sent at least?
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Dec 22, 2009
absent friends
new friends
old friends
ex friends
friends yet to be
departed friends
friends we have not met yet
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
zendevil Posted Dec 22, 2009
Can i add you to my Fiends list?
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book Posted Dec 22, 2009
Key: Complain about this post
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.....
- 1: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Dec 21, 2009)
- 2: Woodpigeon (Dec 21, 2009)
- 3: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Dec 21, 2009)
- 4: Hypatia (Dec 21, 2009)
- 5: Helleborus a.k.a. Nigel (Dec 21, 2009)
- 6: Icy North (Dec 21, 2009)
- 7: Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. (Dec 21, 2009)
- 8: aka Bel - A87832164 (Dec 21, 2009)
- 9: Yarreau (Dec 21, 2009)
- 10: Reality Manipulator (Dec 21, 2009)
- 11: Websailor (Dec 21, 2009)
- 12: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Dec 21, 2009)
- 13: Good_Ridence_BBC (Dec 21, 2009)
- 14: zendevil (Dec 22, 2009)
- 15: Taff Agent of kaos (Dec 22, 2009)
- 16: zendevil (Dec 22, 2009)
- 17: Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book (Dec 22, 2009)
- 18: Taff Agent of kaos (Dec 22, 2009)
- 19: Taff Agent of kaos (Dec 22, 2009)
- 20: Malabarista - now with added pony (Dec 22, 2009)
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