This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

A sudden end.

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

I was going to write something tonight about how much I'm fretting about the real estate situation and how stressful it is trying to buy a house for the first time, but I've just had a horrid dose of perspective.

About 12-15 years ago in Adelaide I w*rked with a woman called June. She was one of the brains of the outfit, calm and practical, well worth knowing. She retired a few years ago and, after a fight with cancer, was making the most of whatever time was available to her. Unfortunately she's fallen victim to a freak accident.

I think I'm in shock. Some people you expect to go down fighting, not in a freak event like this. Friend M called to tell me before I saw June's name on a newspaper site... M is definitely in shock. She was very close to June.

I was having a bit of a drink to help me calm down after an afternoon of solicitors and real estate agents; now I'm having a bit of a drink for quite another reason. I feel completely sober, though.

A sudden end.

Post 2


What a dreadful shock! There is really nothing I can say. I usually feel that things are 'meant to be' but in this case I don't. The list of similar accidents is scary. Shows how very careful people need to be, just doing ordinary things.

smiley - hugsmiley - stiffdrink Puts house hunting etc. in perspective a bit though smiley - huh

Websailor smiley - dragon

A sudden end.

Post 3


That's awful, I'm sorry for your loss mate.

Sounds like you need/deserve the drinks.

smiley - cuddle

A sudden end.

Post 4

Ivan the Terribly Average

Thanks, both of you.

I'm a bit case-hardened, reading coronial reports as part of my job, but those reports relate to w*rkplace incidents. It's awful to think that this sort of thing can happen at home too. I mean, the awfulness is equal, but one just assumes that home is a safe place.

A sudden end.

Post 5


How horrible. I cannot begin to imagine how the husband feels. smiley - sadface

smiley - hug Ivan. Terrible to hear about friend's sudden deaths.

A sudden end.

Post 6

Ivan the Terribly Average

I can't even begin to imagine how he'd feel. It's just too horrible to think about.

This alcohol isn't doing its job. I should be feeling a bit numb by now, but I still feel completely sober. I'll finish this drink, give up and go to bed and hope to sleep...

A sudden end.

Post 7

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

what a dreadful horrible accident. i feel for the husband, you and everyone who knew her

smiley - pirate

A sudden end.

Post 8

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Not really much I can say, other than what's been said already. That's dreadful... My thoughts and sympathy go out to all concerned... smiley - hug

A sudden end.

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - rose (and a smiley - hug for Ivan)

A sudden end.

Post 10

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

oh dear, what a horrible shock

my sympathies for both you and the husband

smiley - hug

A sudden end.

Post 11

aka Bel - A87832164

That's shocking and horrible. The couple where I go clean their house once a week had something similar happen - but the end was not fatal, thank goodness.

A sudden end.

Post 12

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

Ouch - horrible way to die and horrible way of accidentally taking another person's life.

My condolences smiley - rose

Almost twenty years ago I wrote a report concerning work related fatalities. One unusual death was at a zoo where a scared elephant squeezed an animal care taker to a concrete wall. Being btween a wall and a heavy object is no good...

smiley - dragon

A sudden end.

Post 13

Ivan the Terribly Average

I've read a lot of w*rkplace fatality reports, and they are all horrible, but to have something like this happen at home - well I'm still struggling to comprehend it. I've been teetering on the verge of tears all day. I feel so very sorry for him, while I raise a glass to her memory.

smiley - redwine

A sudden end.

Post 14

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - cuddle

smiley - rosesmiley - peacedovesmiley - rose

A sudden end.

Post 15


My condolences as well. How very sad.

A sudden end.

Post 16

You can call me TC

I found this by a roundabout way, Ivan - may I add you to my friends list please?

How are you feeling about this now? Do you know the husband well enough to call him and offer your condolences?

Reading that report, I felt quite gutted, knowing that she has friends and loved ones, as do all victims of such unfortunate accidents. Who says globalisation and the internet are bad things? - even though most of us are on the other side of the smiley - earth planet, a trouble shared is still a trouble halved.

smiley - rose for June.

A sudden end.

Post 17

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'd be honoured to be on your friends list, TC. smiley - blush I shall reciprocate.

I think I saw June's husband once, many years ago, but I've never officially met him. I won't contact him, but I have passed on my condolences through my friend M who does know him.

For me, the shock has gone, but I'm still struggling with the injustice of it all. Life is staggeringly unfair. This is by no means an original thought...

A sudden end.

Post 18


RIP Junesmiley - rose

I suppose the only slight consolation is it must have been very quick...the poor husband though will be going through hell.


A sudden end.

Post 19

Ivan the Terribly Average

Yes Terri, he is indeed going through hell. I'm told that he's been looked after by his daughter as much as possible, and that he copes as long as someone's there, but he was left alone for an hour the other day and was a complete mess when found. It's hard to say how things will go with him.

In other news, there will be a memorial service at some point but no actual funeral. June's Will states that she didn't want one. In a way, this is a good thing; it's uncertain when the Coroner will release her body. When that happens there will be a private cremation.

smiley - brave Just when I think the shock's worn off, my mask slips again.

A sudden end.

Post 20


smiley - hug

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