This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

An option worth considering.

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm considering setting up a blog elsewhere. Can anyone recommend a good site? Suggestions to this thread, please, or via email if you'd rather. (There's an address on my space, for those of you who've not yet felt the urge to use it.)

And yes, that does mean that I'm considering leaving this site. Recent events have caused me to lose my respect for certain people, and that's left a bad taste in my mouth.

An option worth considering.

Post 2


smiley - yikes
This site is not only certain people. Blog is cool idea but I think quite some of us find you leaving for the reason you said very bitter. I haven't done anything to hurt you, have I? So why are you willing to leave me (and all the rest of good people around here)?

An option worth considering.

Post 3


Awww, Ivan I will miss you if you go. smiley - cuddle Have no practical suggestions though, as I rarely venture beyond hootoo.

An option worth considering.

Post 4

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

I use to use which I considered quite good once you get the hang of it

However, I'd rather you stayed here smiley - hug

An option worth considering.

Post 5

Ivan the Terribly Average

Hati, nobody subscribed to my journal has done anything to annoy me. smiley - hug It is in fact the people who *run* this site that I'm sick of.

I'm not going to be rushing to make a decision, but leaving is an option. If I decide to take that option, my email address is there for the taking. A lot of you have that already. Some of you even have my phone numbers and so forth. Staying in touch will be simple enough.

Maybe I'll stay, maybe I won't. I really don't know how I feel about this place at the moment.

An option worth considering.

Post 6


smiley - dohI'm just guessing. Must partly be this business with the profanity filter.
It probably insults your good sense of personal responsibility and common decency, two things that I've noticed that you practice in abundance.

Please don't let certain questionable judgements regarding the running of this site mar your experience with friends here who respect and care about you. I'm sure you wouldn't bring this up if it wasn't something you feel strongly about. Just know that whatever decision you make will be accepted by your friends-if the decision is what is right for you.


smiley - cuddleBut you would be dreadfully missed!

An option worth considering.

Post 7

Ivan the Terribly Average

What a good guess that was. smiley - smileysmiley - hug

(It's not the filter as such, it's the shoddy and shabby way the matter's been handled.)

An option worth considering.

Post 8

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - cry

An option worth considering.

Post 9

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - hug Yes, I know, I feel a bit like that too.

An option worth considering.

Post 10

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

e-mail me...

An option worth considering.

Post 11

Ivan the Terribly Average

On way.

An option worth considering.

Post 12


I, too, would prefer if you'd stay. smiley - towel

An option worth considering.

Post 13


*Joins in the choir of "Please stay"*

You have made my day many times - with laugther and enrichening afterthought.

I sincerely hope you have not encountered nasty experiences here. smiley - cheerup


For the last half year I have come across a handfull of threads from people who want to leave h2g2 because of bad experiences.

Personally I have never encountered people or been in conversations not agreeable to me, and I've been here for more than three years.

In a community as large as this there is bound to be people you'll never meet, people with whom you don't agree and people you downright don't like. Unsubscribe and move on I'd say - but maybe it is not as simple as that. smiley - huh

In the mentioned threads I also read longings for 'the good old days' when everyone agreed on behaving (in my interpretation) 'the right way and in the right spirit'.

I have asked the people in those threads (long-time users and usually Britain based) to define the way, the spirit, in order to figure out for myself whether *I* belong in this community, whether *I* do it the 'right' way. And they throw up their hands in horror and tell me there is no right way. (Some of them leave with a big bamboozle - and return under another name smiley - huh)

And I'm non the wiser.

Sorry about hijacking your thread like this. smiley - erm


Again. If you leave, I'll loose out. Not to make you guilty but to tell you that you mean a lot to many people - even those on the far away perimeter like me. smiley - biggrin

An option worth considering.

Post 14


I was a bit slow in writing - had to take care of other matters in the middle of it - and now have got an explanation.

smiley - hug

An option worth considering.

Post 15


>>nobody subscribed to my journal has done anything to annoy me<<

So it's not me then? Phew! It'd be a terrible shame to lose you Ivan, I really hope that you decide to stick around. However, a *short* break might be good for you.

If you do decide to disappear, do keep in touch by email - you've been the only one to tell me off for being on here when I should be writing essays smiley - biggrin


An option worth considering.

Post 16

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hi, Ivan. I, too, would be sorry to see you go, but I can't say I'd blame you. It's a move I've been contemplating for nearly a year and a half now, between all of the negative changes going on and a nasty stalker/troll I was dealing with for several months, sometimes it doesn't seem worth hanging around.

Of course, just about every time I resign myself to move on, I stumble across a thread I would *really* have missed...

Anyway, whatever you decide, there's always email. smiley - smiley

An option worth considering.

Post 17

psychocandy-moderation team leader

PS- in answer to your original question, I don't know of any good blog-spots right offhand (or at least I don't know how good they are at the blogger end, only as a reader), but if I can get any recommendations for you, I will.

An option worth considering.

Post 18


I don't know of any others either and hopefully you won't have to find them.

smiley - cheerupIf you stay I'll give you smiley - choc

An option worth considering.

Post 19

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

I'd be very sad if you leave too... smiley - cheeruphope you decide to stay.

However, from lurking Dan's livejournal account, I know livejournal has a group of h2g2 researchers (some of whom are actually ex-hootooers by now). So that might be a good option.

smiley - hug

An option worth considering.

Post 20

Arisztid Lugosi

Hi Ivan

I'm sorry to hear that you want to leave, I will really miss you. If you deside to go I will stay in touch tough, I'd hate to miss such a good friend. I may even be tempted to join whatever site you decide on, just to get a better chance to talk to you.

I've had a bad experience here once, I left for a few months...Eventually I decided that I missed everyone here too much to stay away. That may not work for you....

Do whats right for you, and take care of yourselfsmiley - smiley

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