This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

Lil has already read this elsewhere, but I thought if I journalled itI won't have to repeat it elsewhere - and it might make it easier for me to grasp what's happened.

I just had the most appalling news. I had a phone call from my ex just as I was about to go and get the paper. Two of my friends, former housemates of my ex, were in a motorbike accident yesterday. Moira's in the local hospital with her legs and pelvis pinned. Vincent died at the scene. Front page of local paper. Am at the office, but unable to do anything - I'm waiting to be called to the hospital, or something, I don't know.

This feels like shock. I'm guessing that's what it is.

My ex has come up from Sydney overnight. He'll call me sometime and I'll meet him at the hospital or somewhere or something or... I just don't know anything much at the moment.

Vincent was a great guy. Always happy and smiling, always helping other people, and always a cautious road-user. He w*rked for this organisation too, making things easier for indigenous customers. Fairly soon I expect there'll be something official on our internal website thing. I need to brace myself for that.

I don't know where or when the funeral will be. Vincent was from South Australia; his traditional country was somewhere near Whyalla. I don't know how traditional his family is, but I expect they'll want to take him back to Country.

smiley - peacedove

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - rose

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 3


smiley - cuddle

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

smiley - rose

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 5

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

oh Ivan that is terrible newssmiley - sadface

smiley - cuddle

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 6


smiley - blueI'm so sorry Ivan.
I thought your post in the last post thread sounded touchingly I know why!
Thanks for letting us know what's going on. I may be a new friend of yours , but if you're feeling this shocked and saddened by this tragedy, I know that all of us want to let you know that you're in our thoughts and will offer any comfort that we can by being here for you.

smiley - rosesmiley - cuddle

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 7


Oh Ivan!smiley - cuddle Poor them, poor you.And Moira will be absolutely devastated of course. She especially will need a good true friend around, thank goodness she has you to turn to.

Yes, you will be in shock at the moment, later there will be tears & anger, for now if you are going to be the one to be involved in helping sort practicalities & give support, maybe you will have to do the "i am strong" act, but it *will* be an act. Make sure you don't bottle it all up too much, love.

Is Moira conscious? Does she know about Vincent yet?

smiley - goodluck Ivan, this isn't easy.

RIP Vincentsmiley - rose


On being in shock, in the office.

Post 8

Ivan the Terribly Average

I don't know if Moira's conscious, or if she knows. That's the real horror of it all.

I'll be drifting in and out of hootoo all day, or at least until I have something definite to do somewhere. Thanks everyone for being around...

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 9


I wish I could help you. smiley - cuddle

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 10

Ivan the Terribly Average

Thanks Hati. smiley - strawberries

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 11

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Ivan, my thoughts are with you and all of the family and friends of Moira and Vincent. A terrible tragedy. I'm so very sorry.

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 12


smiley - cuddle I've just got up, having been lying in bed brooding about some other road deaths. Your poor friends. Poor you. How horrible. Sending warm thoughts your way.smiley - crysmiley - cuddle

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 13

Ivan the Terribly Average

The last I heard, Moira had regained consciousness. I don't yet know what she knows. I'm waiting for D, my ex, to get in touch again.

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 14


A blessing that she's conscious. How is D coping?

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 15

Ivan the Terribly Average

No idea. He sounded really rattled earlier this morning, in the last voice communication. He doesn't get rattled easily, so I suspect he's in a bad way - but for reasons too tangled to go into here, I can't just go and find him.


Stop press - he called, just this second. He's gone to have some time alone, as he often does; he'll call me later. I guess that's where I leave things for now. I think I'll look into going home.

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 16


Good idea. See if you can get a lift.

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 17


If you feel like going on MSN when you get back, i'm still up; lil's one to bed though. Get yourself a smiley - stiffdrink now is my advice & sod the dentist!


On being in shock, in the office.

Post 18


Oh bl**dy hell Ivan smiley - hug What awful news - and to get it in the office too.

I hope that you managed to get home and that D and you can see Moira soon.

Hang on in there. And come and talk to us whenever you need to.

smiley - hug

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 19

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm now home, trying to relax. I haven't been to the hospital, or anywhere in particular; I decided to have a bit of splendid isolation myself.

If and when D needs me, he'll call and ask me to appear. Until then, I'm staying here, trying not to think too much. 15 years ago, I lost four friends in a single-vehicle accident; the memories are coming back, but without the pain this time. Things do get easier to bear.

It's Moira I'm concerned about. Surgery and physiotherapy can only fix some things.

Apparently vermouth can't fix anything in particular, but that's not stopping me trying it out. Unaccountably, there's no vodka in the house. That might yet prove to be a good thing.

On being in shock, in the office.

Post 20

Ivan the Terribly Average

(By the way, Snailrind - I'm a chronic lurker. smiley - cuddle)

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