A Conversation for Public Toilets
Why a 'John'???
Researcher 201742 Started conversation Aug 29, 2002
Perhaps it is less common there than in America to refer to the toilet as the "john," but the reference still is actually British. The nickname refers to the inventor of the flush toilet, Sir John Harington (not Thomas Crapper, as many attribute the invention to). As an American myself, I would also point out that I rarely hear my fellow countrymen use the "john" reference, but perhaps that would be more polite than the crass euphemisms for needing to use the toilet I am used to hearing from them. NOTE TO SELF: Find more polite friends to associate with!
Why a 'John'???
ThirdSection Posted Dec 19, 2004
The use of the term "John" for toilet dates back to when King Richard the Lion-Hearted returned to England to find how badly Prince John had misruled the country in his stead. In retaliation, King Richard decreed that henceforth, all toilets in the realm shall be referred to as johns.
Why a 'John'???
katrinka Posted Nov 25, 2006
ah ...Robin Hood: Men in Tights... i remember that...
...(BTW, i remember something about a Python being involved in that movie...anyone know anything about that?) ...
why?, was that really based in fact? because it's a fun explanation
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Why a 'John'???
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