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Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
Bruce Started conversation Mar 8, 2001
Why Linda?
Well it looks like the star of the same name in a certain type of *ahem* movie.
Oh yeah, & it sucks when people use it on you
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
Bruce Posted Mar 9, 2001
Continuing on the 'Linda' theme...
Once, when I was Systems/Network Manager for a large government department we had a network node named Linda (yes, because it kept going down on us notice a continuity theme here yet?
One day the Head of the department was visiting & noticed the name Linda on a document. He then asked if it was named for his wife.
The suppressed chortling, choking sounds from around the room that arose from this comment weren't noticed by the dept. Head - luckily.
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
Bruce Posted Mar 9, 2001
Being thematically consistant ( & demonstrating my commitment to Equal Opportunity Employment)...
I was thinking about the language skills necessary to be a moderator here at h2g2 -
To cope with the h2g2 great unwashed hordes they will need to be consumate linguists, tricky translators, good with tongues -
in short they should be Cunning Linguists
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Aardvark Posted Mar 9, 2001
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with this Linda movie person. Any chance of a blow by blow description of one of her movies?
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
NexusSeven Posted Mar 9, 2001
I think you're being unjustly harsh on the button - what have you got against a little head, anyway?
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
Bruce Posted Mar 9, 2001
Well, there's nothing wrong with a little head - but eventually there's no substitue for the real thing
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
You can call me TC Posted Mar 9, 2001
You mean, it should be quite penetrating.
Well, as long as it gets to the point
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
You can call me TC Posted Mar 10, 2001
How did I get here, did you ask? Well, I was told this was where to come.
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
Bruce Posted Mar 10, 2001
Everyone should come here at least once.
It's kind of climactic - though I might be premature saying that
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
Bruce Posted Mar 10, 2001
I notice you have come here twice already.
I forgot to ask - who made you come the 1st time?
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
You can call me TC Posted Mar 10, 2001
It was you, but you came first.
Do you think we have aroused anything yet?
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
You can call me TC Posted Mar 10, 2001
or better still, aroused anyone?
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
Bruce Posted Mar 11, 2001
Well we certainly haven't aroused the moderators enough so that they have come & made their presence felt.
Do you intend to come here often, or are you going to blow?
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
You can call me TC Posted Mar 11, 2001
Well, my name's not Linda.
Are you going to hold *that* against me?
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee) Posted Mar 12, 2001
I came her to make a witty posting but it's gone right out of my head - still it'll come to me later. It's on the tip of my tongue as well.
To start with I actually thought you meant it looked like Linda Blair - from the Exorcist!
Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee) Posted Mar 12, 2001
I came her to make a witty posting but it's gone right out of my head - still it'll come to me later. It's on the tip of my tongue as well.
To start with I actually thought you meant it looked like Linda Blair - from the Exorcist!
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Yikes! Naaah, I think it should be called the Linda button!
- 1: Bruce (Mar 8, 2001)
- 2: Bruce (Mar 9, 2001)
- 3: Bruce (Mar 9, 2001)
- 4: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Aardvark (Mar 9, 2001)
- 5: NexusSeven (Mar 9, 2001)
- 6: Bruce (Mar 9, 2001)
- 7: Bruce (Mar 9, 2001)
- 8: You can call me TC (Mar 9, 2001)
- 9: Bruce (Mar 10, 2001)
- 10: You can call me TC (Mar 10, 2001)
- 11: Bruce (Mar 10, 2001)
- 12: Bruce (Mar 10, 2001)
- 13: You can call me TC (Mar 10, 2001)
- 14: You can call me TC (Mar 10, 2001)
- 15: Bruce (Mar 11, 2001)
- 16: You can call me TC (Mar 11, 2001)
- 17: Bruce (Mar 12, 2001)
- 18: Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee) (Mar 12, 2001)
- 19: Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee) (Mar 12, 2001)
- 20: Abi (Mar 12, 2001)
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