This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


Post 1

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

Another person who seems to be vaguely sane/insane whatever you prefer who is under 18 great. I'm 13 too
bye (luv the entry it is cool)
x whambamboo x


Post 2

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Whoah, sorry, didn't see the post there

Hi whambamboo, like the name smiley - smiley

Ohhhh, there's tons of us round here, the under 18 insane ones. of course smiley - smiley

Soooo, I think to kick us off (ouch?), we shall talk about.....
[not the weather not the weather] the weat-[NO! not the weather].
Can't help the english eh smiley - winkeye

*has a look at your page*

Ooooh, ye'r a fan of BtVS.
*points you in direction of U37132, aka Zoe, my friend from school, who is a big BtVS fan too*
Prraow, Oz smiley - winkeye

And Discworld! Yaay! smiley - smiley

Hey, what music tastes you got there?
Me an Elastica fan. Me like Elastica, lots.


Lis' tf
smiley - smiley


Post 3

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

Oz is soooooo fiine (purr, purr, miaow) smiley - winkeye

Discworld is the best and so Is Tom Holt.

Elastica has a cool name. But I have never heard any of their music but I like Blink 182, Offspring, Green Day... NOT Britney Spears and NOT s club 7 and NOT steps and other such trashy palava!!

People call me a freak sumtimes as well which i just ignore, but mostly they call me Goth or Oi! or sumthing scarily similar to my actual name.

x whambamboo x


Post 4

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

i am a goth, or at least, an attempted one. moving into punk now, no, not trendy-punk, proper punk, listening to elastica and nofx as well

Woah, thank God you don't like happy pop.. smiley - smiley

Elastica are britpunk. Great stuff. Maybe you'll download a song by them sometime, or buy the self-titled album if you're anti-mp3 .

"the innercity fauna is crawling round your feet/I'd never really noticed how your eyebrows seem to meet/in perpetual fear of being swallowed whole/beached in the suburbs in the body of a whale" - 'Spastica'

prrrraow, j e-l

so what is your name then? or are you a secretive peep? smiley - smiley I am a Lisa. smiley - smiley


Post 5

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

My name is Elly, short for Eleanor (manki name) But yeah, attempted goth too but failing miserably in the black lipstick stakes...smiley - sadface


Post 6

Peter aka Krans

Hmm... being a Goth is OK, I suppose... I tend just to walk around wearing black and worrying shades... ask Lisa smiley - winkeye

I am NOT a fan of black makeup...


Post 7

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

smiley - bigeyes
I guess I won't be showing you the photo of me with black lipstick and eyeshadow on then. And wearing my chains. And me doing the V-sign, showing off my black nailvarnish.
smiley - bigeyes


Post 8

The Cheese

She looks absolutely EViL in that photo!

(the i is left lowercase for no reason, but still on purpose. only brenton and only on h2g2....)

standing in the english rain

Post 9

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

It's a good ph0to. smiley - smiley

(do you know the ifference between day and night..?)

standing in the english rain

Post 10

Peter aka Krans

The scientific one?

standing in the english rain

Post 11

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Pardon me?

standing in the english rain

Post 12

Peter aka Krans

The scientific difference, or the poetic/philosophical one?

standing in the english rain

Post 13

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

the private joke one smiley - tongueout

smiley - winkeye

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