A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

The new Allotment

Post 1


What's in your shed Myth?

The new Allotment

Post 2

The Myth Of Fingerprints

Yeeeehaaaaa, We're back.

Well done Vic.

smiley - bleep The NACA

The new Allotment

Post 3


I think you might be able to actually say f#*k 'em on here Myth, but we'll refrain from that sort of thing in the quite solitude of our allotment thread.


Did you get AA's tips on potatoe varieties?

The new Allotment

Post 4

The Myth Of Fingerprints


I know I am getting too close to the flame.

I was down on the plot at 6am in pitch black horizontal rain & wind the other morning making sure my new water butt was secure.

Mrs Myth and me had been awake most of the night worrying about it.


The new Allotment

Post 5

Agent Sizzle

This is like deja-vu already.

Now that I can post using my account, Mr Agent (whose account was hijacked by MH -Hot&Sizzling) might like this thread. Him being a horticulturalist and former royal gardner and all that... smiley - whistle
Me, I can't stand gardens and stuff like that. Full of crawly things. So this is one place I definitely won't be!

The new Allotment

Post 6

The Myth Of Fingerprints


This is weird.

Just gone into 'My Discussions' on the R2 board and this one was in here.

It looks totally different from here as well.

It has a green surround and loads of Smileys at the bottom too!

Anyone else found this?


The new Allotment

Post 7

Red Baron

Shame all the other posts can't be transferred here! Who is going to build our new shed then??


The new Allotment

Post 8


'Scuse me folks, but this sort of convo is not really supposed to go here. If you want to recreate the Radio 2 boards, that's not what we're for. I don't want to scare you off or anything, but if you want to chat, would you mind doing it on one of your personal spaces?

Find the button on your personal space that says 'Add journal entry' and post it there, that would probably be the easiest way.

Iff you go to someone else's page and click 'Add to Friends' they will join your friends list and be automatically subscribed to all your journal entries.

smiley - biggrin

The new Allotment

Post 9


It's slightly in the wrong place but I will sort it tomorrow stick with it guys and well done for taking the plunge. I know that sounds a bizarre thing to say but we have to respect the structure within h2g2 smiley - smiley

Victor/Myth I believe we came here a couple of nights ago must have been meant to be like a pre-ordained thingy!

The new Allotment

Post 10


smiley - ok

The new Allotment

Post 11

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi peeps and welcme to h2g2. smiley - smiley
I don't know if you've all got an <./>ACE</.>'s welcome, but everybody who hasn't and wants to know more, is welcome to leave me a message on my PS (just click on my name). smiley - ok

The new Allotment

Post 12


Thanks so much B'Elanda smiley - smiley

A welcome message and introduction from an ACE would be smiley - cool the problem is people now migrating because of BBC policy to suddenly close boards won't come up on the list because they don't eminate from h2g2. smiley - yikes

A bit of a mess but hey if we all work together we will survive.

Maybe at long last the guide might get a entry for R2!!!!!!! About time smiley - smiley

smiley - hug


The new Allotment

Post 13

aka Bel - A87832164

BDG, I see you've been a member for quite some time now, so I guess you should be able to help your friends, too. You know us ACEs, we're always in to zhelp, so I can only repeat what I said earlier: anybody who wants to fnd out, leave me a message. (I can't leave you a message f you're no h2g2 members, I'd have to sign in with your respctive messageboard). If you can't leave a message for me, post here, and I'll try to find a way. smiley - smiley

The new Allotment

Post 14


Hi again B'Elana I know the URL for them to change where they come from smiley - tit told me yonks ago smiley - smiley although I shall have to dig it out from my message center, we may have to go that route so messages can be left?

A bit of a mess the Beeb have suddenly sprung on us all see my message to smiley - tit in my messages!!!

Thanks for being there. I think if we all work together we can see people over.


Thread Moved

Post 15

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Thanks for Registering with h2g2 - Welcome!' to 'Miscellaneous Chat'.

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