A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat


Post 1

Researcher 31274

what's a towel?


Post 2


Towel: A flattish retangular thingy of some absorbant cloth or another used 1) as dog bedding 2) as an invaluable aid in hitchhiking through the universe and occassionally 3) to dry oneself when wet


Post 3

Researcher 34811 - A Potteries Lad

Also good for polishing the car!


Post 4

Researcher 37141

I have many towels, but my favourite towel says on
it "What about the fish?". Not quite "So Long And Thanks
For All The Fish", but fish related.


Post 5

Researcher 37313

Towels were invented by the people who designed Lint Filters for washing machines and tumble dryers. It was fortunate for them that people discovered that not only are they good for clooging up lint catching devices, but they can do a reasonable job of de-moisturing ones self as well!


Post 6

Researcher 37969

I also have a fish-related towel. But it has no text on it. There are only some red fishes, who do nothing.
My favourite towel is white (before using it) and dark grey (after using it). There is also a small parrot in one corner.


Post 7

Marvinia 38255

I know where my towel is. Am I a hoopy frood!?!


Post 8

Global Village Idiot

I would have thought that fish were the creatures with the least use for or kinship to a towel on the whole planet. When you think about it, it's a bit like decorating lorries with hedgehogs.

Pure Egyptian cotton, no pattern, for me - you can use dark-coloured ones a couple of times more before the visual repulsion factor kicks in and forces you to wash it.

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