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The Harry Potter Film

Post 1


Firstly I must apoligies if I hurt any bodies feeling out there especially any Americans.
I am and English tennage and today for the first time I watch a trailer for the up coming film Harry Potter and The SORCERER'S STONE.
I feel that giving an english film/book, which was set in England written by a English author and is an English book a American film title is wrong.
My brother feels it is just to satisfy the Americans and I feel he is right.
Why do the Amerians always take credit for English films?
I do realise that the film is being filmed by an American film company (Warnerbros) but I don't think they have the right to give it such a title.
It's not just the title that bothers me. In the film it is not the Forbidden Forest but the Dark Forest, which doesn't seem to have the same ring to it. All forests are dark at night but not all are Forbidden.
And another thing in the book it describes the stairscases as having trick steps whick aren't really there. The film shows it that whole staircases move.
Now having only seen a short trailer I still think that the book is a lot better than a film that any American company can produce.
I will how ever see the film when it is released in Britain. Oh yeah thats another thing why do films always get released in America first?

smiley - fairysmiley - snowman

The Harry Potter Film

Post 2

God's Gift to Women

As you might already know, when the book was released in the U.S. the title was changed to "...and the Sorcerer's Stone." And in turn, the American film is using the American book title. OK. But then I don't why they changed the book title in the first place. That's what I can't figure out. I've even tried to hunt around for the answer but have come up with none.

The Harry Potter Film

Post 3

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

As a general rule - The books are always better then the movies.

I don't think that there is a exception to that rule.

The Harry Potter Film

Post 4

God's Gift to Women

Movies can't give the depth that a book can.

The Harry Potter Film

Post 5

Lady Beaulieu

And in the case of certain movie adaptions, it seems that the delusional people making changes believe that they can improve on what is already good and proceed to worsen it.

The Harry Potter Film

Post 6


When I heard they were going to make a Harry Potter film I thought great. But now i think its a stupid idea.

smiley - fairysmiley - snowman

The Harry Potter Film

Post 7

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

Ahh... The best way to ruin a good book is to make it a crappy movie.

The Harry Potter Film

Post 8


It could be interesting to see how they have done it through unless you don't want to see a crappy film.

smiley - fairysmiley - snowman

The Harry Potter Film

Post 9

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

I heard that some guy (wiccan wizzard of some such thing) placed a curse on the film (so that it would do bad at the box office) because they are not flying on the brooms right, he says that they should be flying on them with the brush part of the broom facing forwards (like he does). smiley - witch

The Harry Potter Film

Post 10


But thats just silly

smiley - fairysmiley - snowman

The Harry Potter Film

Post 11

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

Maybe, maybe not. Well just have to see how well it does at the box office. smiley - winkeye

The Harry Potter Film

Post 12


The film is ever going to be Super brillant and excellent or extremly crap and boring. I don't think there is any chance of it being, alright.


The Harry Potter Film

Post 13

Biggles Rocks as do Austin, Raymond E Feist and Tom Clancy.

I reckon its unfair to compare a book to a film I mean how long did it take you to read Harry Potter? It took me tree days and they've got to put that book into three hours worth of film! The best way to watch a film based on a book is to accept that its going to be different then you can enjoy the film as a film!

The Harry Potter Film

Post 14


I know its going to be different. Thats why I don't think it will be any good.


The Harry Potter Film

Post 15

Biggles Rocks as do Austin, Raymond E Feist and Tom Clancy.

I reckon it will be good if you just watch it as a film and not as a copy of the book.Like Captain Correllies Mandolin that was different from the book but I still thought it was really cool!

The Harry Potter Film

Post 16


Yeah but i know the Harry Potter so well its going to be hard watching the film as a film.


The Harry Potter Film

Post 17

Biggles Rocks as do Austin, Raymond E Feist and Tom Clancy.

Yeah that's a good point but some of the changes may be good. When you read it in the book the trick step idea seems really cool but when your watching it I think it would probably be dissapointing so instead they make the whole staircase move. It looks visually more interesting.

The Harry Potter Film

Post 18


Yeah I suppose, but that thing about the Dark Forest instead of the Forbidden forest is just silly.


The Harry Potter Film

Post 19

Biggles Rocks as do Austin, Raymond E Feist and Tom Clancy.

Yeah I do agree with that. But you have to realise that the film people have to allow for the seribrally challanged. Besides Dark Forests has a certain ring to it. Not as good as forbidden though.

The Harry Potter Film

Post 20


'Certain ring' to it,OK if you think it has a 'Certain ring' to it then thats your opinion but I don't think it does.


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