This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

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Post 2241


I've already registered it smiley - diva. I'm intrigued by the buzz surrounding the site, especially as it's just a shell at this time.

So... are we meant to be scoring? smiley - cool

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Post 2242


Lol. Aye, I guess we are, afterall that is what this thread is for, eh? smiley - laugh

Erm, Enig - have you also become some sort of 'diva' then? smiley - yikes
Whatever happened to Erotic Ed - smiley - thief ?

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Post 2243


Erotic Ed had things to tend to.

And the diva had some velour she wanted to show off.

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Post 2244


Oh, I seeeeeee... It all comes out now in the final days, PeeWee. smiley - laugh

Scary stuff..... smiley - run

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Post 2245


Scores, now there's an idea...

Kate - No Rehearsal - A3710981
Weaver - Secret Keys - A3740582
Fat Gardener - Secret Keys - A3741851
Looby - A3759825
Lynda - A3760120
karjon - The Test - A3768069
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys – Mask A3784377
Enigmatic1 - The Mask - A3790631
PenJen - No Rehearsal - A3795320

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Post 2246


But who can possibly score on such a glorious summer's day... in late winter/early spring smiley - erm

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Post 2247


Kate - 8
Weaver -
Fat Gardener - 7.5
Looby - 7.5
Lynda - 8.5
karjon - 7
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys – 8
Enigmatic1 - 8.5
PenJen - No Rehearsal - 8

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Post 2248


Sorry I missed out on this one guys, I did want to be in on this one as it's the last but I just didn't get the time or inspiration.

Just like to thank Spidey for letting me join in this little challenge. I'm not sure i'll ever be considered a writer, not sure I want to be, but I have learned a lot from this experience and met a fantastic bunch of people.

I know most people have moved over to WD, for the time being at least, but to those who don't it's been good to get to know you and i'm sure we'll cross paths on another site somewhere.

Have I gone all soppy? Ah, who cares...

smiley - smooch to everyone.

Janesmiley - bubbly

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Post 2249


Kate - No Rehearsal - A3710981 8.5
Weaver - Secret Keys - A3740582 8
Fat Gardener - Secret Keys - A3741851 8
Looby - A3759825 N/A
Lynda - A3760120 9
karjon - The Test - A3768069 9
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys – Mask A3784377 8
Enigmatic1 - The Mask - A3790631 8
PenJen - No Rehearsal - A3795320 8.5

and that concludes the scores from loobyville.

Spidey/Weaver - the morewriting site looks great. Like GW but maybe even better when it's up and running.
Will we move the 60/100 to there?
smiley - smiley

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Post 2250


Kate - No Rehearsal - A3710981 8
Weaver - Secret Keys - A3740582 8
Fat Gardener - Secret Keys - A3741851 9
Looby - A3759825 8.5
Lynda - A3760120 9
karjon - The Test - A3768069 n/a
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys – Mask A3784377 8
Enigmatic1 - The Mask - A3790631 8.5
PenJen - No Rehearsal - A3795320 8.5

I found the scoring really difficult this time - don't know if it was because there were less of us, better standard, or what...anyway, my scores are ridiculously close because that's how I saw it.



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Post 2251


Karen - I felt the same.

smiley - smiley

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Post 2252


All this unabashed sentimentality is like sugary bile on my mind's burnt tongue, and it's giving me heartburn. Here for the final time are my scores...

2 x Dog's biscuits
3 x Southern fried chick/chips
1 x Odyssey CD
2 X Toothbrush

Oh, hang on. Hmmm, where have my scores go to then? Ah, here they are.

Kate - No Rehearsal - A3710981 – 8.5
Weaver - Secret Keys - A3740582 – 7.5
Fat Gardener - Secret Keys - A3741851 - 7
Looby - A3759825 – 7.5
Lynda - A3760120 - 8
karjon - The Test - A3768069 - 8
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys – Mask A3784377 – 8.5
Enigmatic1 - The Mask - A3790631 - n/a
PenJen - No Rehearsal - A3795320 - 7

And that concludes the scoring from Enigmatic1.

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Post 2253


Awh! come on niggy - don't you like a little unabashed sentimentality now and again....just a little... tickle,tickle... do!

smiley - biggrin

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Post 2254



Oh, go on then. But if my stoic expression slips I shan't be pleased.

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Post 2255


Stop 'whinging' PeeWee and give us all a wee cuddle! smiley - nahnah

ANYWAY, my scores:

Kate - No Rehearsal - A3710981 – 8.0
Weaver - Secret Keys - A3740582 – 8.0
Fat Gardener - Secret Keys - A3741851 - 8.5
Looby - A3759825 – 7.5
Lynda - A3760120 - 9.0
Karjon - The Test - A3768069 - 7.5
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys – Mask A3784377 – 8.5
Enigmatic1 - The Mask - A3790631 - 9.0
PenJen - No Rehearsal - A3795320 - N/A

Completing the scored from Penville Estate. smiley - biggrin

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Post 2256


And that should read 'scores'.... Me no hooker. smiley - blush

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Post 2257

the fat gardener

Yes, I found it hard to score too. The stories are all well crafted.

Kate - No Rehearsal - A3710981 – 8.5
Weaver - Secret Keys - A3740582 – 8.0
Fat Gardener - Secret Keys - A3741851 - smiley - wah
Looby - A3759825 – 8.0
Lynda - A3760120 - 8.5
Karjon - The Test - A3768069 - 9.0
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys – Mask A3784377 – 9.5
Enigmatic1 - The Mask - A3790631 - 8.0
PenJen - No Rehearsal - A3795320 - 8.5

smiley - wahsmiley - wahThe last challenge on GW.
Please, please, let's stay together for future challenges! With Roy and NaeThyme and all the past-blasters if they're up for it.

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Post 2258


Kate - No Rehearsal - A3710981
Weaver - Secret Keys - A3740582 – 7
Fat Gardener - Secret Keys - A3741851 - 7
Looby - A3759825 – 7.5
Lynda - A3760120 - 8.5
Karjon - The Test - A3768069 - 8
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys – Mask A3784377 – 9
Enigmatic1 - The Mask - A3790631 - 8.5
PenJen - No Rehearsal - A3795320 - 7.5

I feel I should say something memorable - but there's nothing there! Perhaps if it was the next title I could find 100 words...

Bye from snowy Warsaw


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Post 2259


Kate - No Rehearsal - A3710981 – 8
Weaver - Secret Keys - A3740582 – 9
Fat Gardener - Secret Keys - A3741851 - 8.5
Looby - A3759825 – 8
Lynda - A3760120 - smiley - tongueout
Karjon - The Test - A3768069 - 8.5
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys – Mask A3784377 – 9
Enigmatic1 - The Mask - A3790631 - 8
PenJen - No Rehearsal - A3795320 - 8.5

Ooooooh, let's stay together, loving you whenever
You are good or bad, happy or sad,

Iiiii am sooo in love with you
whether you want me tooo....smiley - smooch

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Post 2260


I'm still here, and I will try to make time to do one next time.... Here's a token effort to show willing - far too late, I know: A3806606


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