A Conversation for The World's Best Beaches

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Post 1


While Myrtle Beach is a tad...developed, it is still a great place to visit. It has about...oh...50 hotels, plus dozens of condos people rent out. I normally stay in a condo about a block off the beach...anywise it has a great beach. The beach is white and VERY sandy at the first, and then nearer the ocean a dark brown.

Not very many "dirty" areas...by which I mean areas where lots of driftwood, or trash are located. Those areas are mainly in the southern area of Myrtle Beach.

While the beaches are not only great, their are lots of fun areas to visit. One of the funnest is Broadway At The Beach...which has Planet Hollywood, ALL-Star Cafe, Hard Rock, NASCAR Cafe, and the Alabama Grille near by.

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Post 2


I agree that Myrtle Beach is a nice beach for the most part, but it has become too commercial, a beach is a getaway from all the things like houses and condos and hotels, it is a place to relaz and unwind. All this commotion and popularity of it makes it a less desirable destination for those who just wish to have a peaceful time and relax.

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Post 3

Lizard Prince- A437203 Owner, Muse, H2G2GAs, Prince of Lizards, Carrier of Black Towels

I agree with the kind person who is obssesed with soccer. Myrtle Beach is far too commercialized. And in my experience. There are many rednecks with hairy backs, beer bellies, and 12 hyper kids. And the men are no better.

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Post 4


I found that there was nothing for people below drinking age to do at night...a disappointing trip for a group of 19-year olds.

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