A Conversation for Beer

Beer Favourites

Post 121

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

A coven of witches, sipping daiquiries, gather protectectively about Casper, whilst brewing up, in a large pot, something that smells an awful lot like old boot with a faint hint of leg.

Beer Favourites

Post 122


Nuns go running to priest, vestal virgings run to Casper.
Things aren't looking to good for the priest.
Ladbrooks starts taking bets on the outcome, and just what is in the withch's cauldron

Beer Favourites

Post 123

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Has anyone seen Moses recently?

Beer Favourites

Post 124

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Moses is hiding in one of the many bodies of alcohol lying about. He is trying to come up a few new commandments.

Beer Favourites

Post 125


I thought I saw him talking to a burning bush a short while ago.

Beer Favourites

Post 126

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I was a bit worried about the way Obscure was adding small tender bulrush plants to the witches cauldron

Beer Favourites

Post 127


Yes, well I heard that Vestal Virgins find tender bulrush smoke to be a heady aphrodisiac.
Why do the witchs seem to be edging closer to me with their broomsticks in their hands

Beer Favourites

Post 128

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Thinks they must have been closer to the bubbling cauldron. Watches spellbound as they approach Obscure

Beer Favourites

Post 129


Loonytunes , could I have some assistance over here, the bulrushes have worked alittle to well.
Bring a bottle of champagne and a loufer with you please, old chap.

Beer Favourites

Post 130

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Pulls up a wonderful yellowish bean-bag with pictures of spitting black cats on it. Installs a pipeline to Lake Champagne. C'est la vie

Beer Favourites

Post 131


Vive la V.V.'s
Suddenly overcome with ecstacy, next to the Lake of bliss, Obscures head falls off, and floats away.

Beer Favourites

Post 132


Head undergoes massive decompression, and plummets straight back down onto Obscures shoulders.
He promptly sets up a new journal entry to reduce loading time for two of his favourite sites.
Very original title...Beer and airport check ins cont.

Beer Favourites

Post 133


Do not doubt the strength of stella!
This beverage is up in the realms of carlsberg export..or loopy juice as it is known. As a barman and committed drinker of many beverages including a variety of real ale..most importantly Old Peculiar and Riggwelter, I still feel that Stella, despite its slight fizz, is to be treated with respect at all times..by the way, my persoanl recored for stella is 12 pints.

Beer Favourites

Post 134


i think beer should be taken LARGE quanities on a regular basis,
my personal favourite being draught becks which hits the spot,
and of course has to followed by knocking back very large
measures of Jack Daniels.All this adds up to a rather pleasent
Friday night but not such a pleasent Saturday morning.


Post 135

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

...TO BE CONTINUED..... In the interests of quicker loading..... this thread has moved to Canada and can be found on Obscures home page cunningly and thougthfully entitled Airport check-in and beer cont. All welcome. Bring gifts.

Beer Favourites

Post 136


For beer favourites, my personal selection would have to be Hoegaarden Grand Cru. All the things wonderful about Hoegaarden, but double the alcohol! Never have I known one substance to be the cause and solution of so many of life's little problems

Beer Favourites

Post 137

Nick the Greek

Ah, finally another Stella drinker. 12 pints of Stella on a Friday certainly qualifies, but 12 pints of Stella before you leave the house - now that's another matter entirely.

Perhaps a case for booking ICU for the night - friendly nurses, even friendlier morphine...

American Berr

Post 138


American Beer is like having sex in a boat....

Beer Favourites

Post 139

The Jester

Guinness, guinness and yet more guinness. Stands to reason it's the only pint worth drinking

Beer Favourites

Post 140


You cant beet a good pint of Guiness, after a hard days work.
It acts not only as afine beverage but also as a full meal if you dont have time inbetween drinks on a Friday night to stop to eat.

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