A Conversation for Beer

Beer Favourites

Post 81


Yes, I have to go through some blood transfusion everyday, otherwise the Gin would just take over. Hmmmmmmmmmmm!

Beer Favourites

Post 82

marvthegrate LtG KEA

So if we can find someone who has a Vodka system and another with a cola system we could all bleed into a cup and make a good Long Island Iced Tea..

Beer Favourites

Post 83

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Digs moat around forum.Fills different sections with, gin, vodka, tequilla, tonic, coke. Plants grove of Kumquat trees. Oh bliss

Beer Favourites

Post 84

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Is it Bliss.... or is it passed out on the floor from swimming in the moat and then eating a kumquat??

Venice the way it should be

Post 85

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Bliss, pissed, whatever. Builds small canal for tequilla.

Venice the way it should be

Post 86

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Hey, I will take care of the Teqila moat, Obscure can take care of the gin. Any takers for the rest?

Venice the way it should be

Post 87

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Beavers away on Lake Heinekin. Moses walks by surveying the scene for his next movie. Stops for a glass.

Venice the way it should be

Post 88

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Then Moses wakes up in Tiajuana with a tattoo and a social diesease.

Venice the way it should be

Post 89


Moses checks into the Betty Ford Clinic, leaving the rest of us to enjoy the Lake of Bliss.

Venice the way it should be

Post 90

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I will enjoy it from five feet down with a straw.

Venice the way it should be

Post 91

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Builds a stunning replica of the Vatican complete with ornate marble baths overflowing with wine. Has a chat with the Pope about Moses. Pope promises to pray for him. Gives the Pope a garland made from kumquat leaves.

Venice the way it should be

Post 92


Ahhhhhh, disaster,
incontinent megadonkey falls into baths.
Do we drain, and start again
Or set up a intricate filtration system to cope with the situation.

Stop press: Kumquat tree survives

Venice the way it should be

Post 93

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Don't panic. Incontinent donkey turns out to be the wooden horse of Troy. Old mate Troy has brought along some nubile wenches to serve the drinks. Little worried about this John character who wants to give the nubile wenches swimming lessons.

Venice the way it should be

Post 94


Its the floatation device that he is asking them all to hold onto that is the biggest worry. Or looking at it should I say smallest worry.

Venice the way it should be

Post 95

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I've never heard it called baptistery before. What can it all mean? When is Moses coming?

Venice the way it should be

Post 96


By the look of him in the corner there, by the Kumquat tree, with that nubile wench; I'd say any moment now.

"Oh Moses, keep out of the lake, you daft sod"

As a flash of lightening crashes through the heavens , smiting obscure into a pile of dehydrated juniper berries.

Venice the way it should be

Post 97

marvthegrate LtG KEA

And as the smoke clears from the untimely demise of obscure,
a sprout appears from one of the juniper berries. Up from the flames of phoenix rises obscure..
Wait! More of the berries Are sprouting. What is this?

Venice the way it should be

Post 98


Each berry sprouts forth a myriad of of limbs that as they grow twist and turn until they become beer pumps, one for every fine ale and lager that has ever been produced since the dawn of time.

Surveying the new Barley Tree, the forum decides that it is time to send out seekers for the forum on party snacks, pizza delivery services, donuts as far as the eye can see (liquor filled of course)
Imagine if you would choux pastry cones filled witha juniper and quinine cream.

Venice the way it should be

Post 99

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Meanwhile Loony and his old crony Noah bring back, by ark, two bottles of every brew in the land.

Venice the way it should be

Post 100

Ginger The Feisty

Re:any takers for the rest - Can I be in charge of the Vodka fountain?

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