A Conversation for Talking Point: Computer Games

Future generations

Post 1


Yes I am a gamer, console Playstation 3, satisfied yes. Back to the subject, it would be a great benefit to learn critical stuff trough gaming. If you haven't noticed already we enjoy things better when they are fun, time passes quickly, but you will still retain whatever happened in that moment.

Anti-social behavior you said, that's why it should be done on top of regular teaching methods, it should be there to polish their skills. As a future media psychologist I can tell you it will go there. Turning any hard task into a fun one will never feel or look the same. By the way they are already experimenting with working out (gym) and video games. Pleasure and pain, same coin different ends.

The balance between having fun and actually learning something will be extremely difficult to create I think. Too much fun, nothing learned. Too much learning, no fun=boring should I say regular classes scenario smiley - smiley. In conclusion media will play a MAJOR role in the future and pairing something fun with what was considered work before will make it A LOT easier. Future genrations will be so lucky with their gadgets huh!!!!!!!!!!!!

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