Angel in Hell

I took a long time to write this entry not knowing what to say, you know what, I decided to go with my heart. Yeah I know cheesy maybe, I could go the usual route which is the straight route teling you my fav color, what I study, my favorite band, but no, I prefer the unusual route telling how I feel and see the world in this instant.

A maze I tell you, A maze !!!! Lost in my own paradise. Hopefully h2g2 will help me see clearer. As I grow the less I understand, the more I comtemplate about what ifs. At 25 I already feel (old), bummer. I am a diamond in the rough at this moment, desperatly in need to shine. The world is getting scarier and more complex, what should you do, who should you trust, wow is this guy crazy for asking those questions. There's no way he is normal, no way I say. Well since he isn't I'll be gone now, just remember normalcy isn't normal, and however you look at it, talk to me we will have fun. If I even knew what that was. Fun weird word. A la prochaine and remember every second counts.

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An ACE G'day corsius ... Sep 19, 2009


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Family Feb 10, 2010 No Replies
Future generations Oct 4, 2009 No Replies
An ACE G'day corsius ... Sep 18, 2009 Sep 19, 2009


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