A Conversation for Talking Point: The Beatles

I didn't Meet the Beatles.

Post 1


Were you either too young, or too old, to care?

At the time I was too young. I was living in a parallel universe that included more itsy-bitsy spiders than beatles. I became aware of them later, probably because Beatles tunes have never gone away.

We hear their tunes a lot on the radio, in elevators, grocery stores, etc. And not just the Beatles covering them, lots of artists cover their tunes. It seems a bit overdone at times.

Did you ever meet or even play with a Beatle?


Do you subscribe to the 'favourite Beatle' theory. Or was their genius a combination of all four parts?

The favorite Beatle theory? Is that related to the Four Color Problem?

Is there a Beatles song that you couldn't contemplate living without?

While My Guitar Gently Weeps is a cool tune. Piggies holds up really well.

How would they have sounded without Sir George Martin producing them?

Couldn't say.

Did you see them play live?


Is there a band which is cruelly underappreciated because the Beatles stole their limelight?

Couldn't say.

smiley - smileysmiley - musicalnote

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I didn't Meet the Beatles.

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