This is the Message Centre for Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 61

Zantic - Who is this woman??

I went to Glasow Uni...and Munch is one of the many uni freinds I keep in contact with. Most of them are still in Galsgow (including my b-f)
I myself and moving back up to Scotland in a couple of months, I'm just jealous cos she gets to go now while I languish in London, now without the excuse to escape fot the weekend to sunnier parts (ie Woking)

Oh won't be for long....(at least as long as I get my behind in gear and do some work..)

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 62

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

what are these uni friends of which you speak...?
"Hi... have you looked at the noticeboard today... anything I should be aware of? thankyou. How 'bout that Max Beckmann exhibition, eh? Price of crayons. Hot-pressed watercolour paper." about the extent of my university conversation. I would join a couple of the societies but they all meet at a time I'm not there, on a day I'm not there. hmm. The joys of not living there I s'pose.

How is Glasgow? since everyone's going... well, you lot. Is it less likely than London to cause black snot?

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 63

Zantic - Who is this woman??

AH well see, it's one of the Societies (SF&F society to be exact) from which we all know each other...except Toc who is a recent addition to the family of Munchkinstein (what we are now collectively know as, because Munchkin, like all short people, always wanted to be a dictator... smiley - laugh)

Glasgow is a great town, much less likely to cause black snot than London (mainly becasue the one way system in the middle of town is so useless few people bother driving)It's great fun as a visitor, but only if you know people who can take you round - which you now do of course! smiley - winkeye Most visitors prefer Edinburgh...which is fine cos it leaves Glasgow to the Scots!

But this could all be bias cos I lived there for four years of Student type fun and frolics...

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 64

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

also smiley - cool...
*all* short people? I'm 5'3" but I'm more into bringing things down from t'inside... too much bother, that dictatoring.

I have only been to Edinburgh. It was jolly enough, but I don't like to go a-touristing, particularly... I did want to visit Greyfriars since I had it on good authority folk were being attacked by ghosts there (no such luck, tho' it was fairly pant-wetting in itself.) I prefer places not full of signs and souvenirs... or chaps in Braveheart getup... smiley - groan

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 65

Zantic - Who is this woman??

The only touristy thing I've done in Edinburgh recently is the ghost tour...which was not entirely unscary - although I think the guy was a bit surprised at our general knowlegde of the Edinburgh ghost stories and town history (well, what do you expect when you get a bunch of SF&F and general weirdness fans out on a hen night? smiley - winkeye )

Sorry about the generalisation - the sad thing is I keep being surprised by the short-ones shortness...he's much taller in memory! Must be something to do with the size of personality...? smiley - laugh *wonders what he's gonna make of this when he finally gets back online*

Never mind....just over two months to go now.. smiley - boing

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 66

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Well, we managed to defuse the tourism thing somewhat by bidding the Braveheart man 'G'day.' I don't recall his reaction...

General weirdness & hen nights combined?! *that* is pant-wettingly scary... (dread to think what 'amusing' 'novelties' are on display during that kind of outing. Hopefully no phallus-shaped hats bedecked with male-nude playing cards.)
Feet & inches? (bet I can out-short him. smiley - smiley)

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 67

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Oh, you can out short him....he's only short in comparison to most of our freinds...I think he's about 5'6/7" (which for a bloke.. smiley - winkeye )

Nah, t'was a boring American style hen-night. Not much drinking, no dirty prezzies. We went to see Whisky Galore at the Lyceum in Edinburgh and did the ghost tour...(we made up for it another time, but her American friends were there on that day..all too young to drink don'tcha know!?)

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 68

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'


technically I am still too young to drink, in the US at least.
I had the privelege of seeing some San Francisco ghost-tour photos today... plenty of those ubiquitous orbs (not taken with a digital camera, strangely...)
Are the vaults as terrifying as they say?

I received a prospective order from someone who's going to the convention... the link the good Dr. gave me must be working! hurrah.

I need Toccata back, though- someone else is telling me they can't see any pictures *at all*.

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 69

Zantic - Who is this woman??

I need to order at least a corset from you too...but likely at least the one dress....must get round to properly perusing your site (oh and robbing banks to get some spending money too.. smiley - winkeye )

Toc is now officially back on the internet, but I think she's spent the last week or so hunting jobs.....If she don't turn up by the time I go home tonight, I'll text her for you! smiley - laugh

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 70


Here I am! I will go look at the site soon.

Job Hunting IS taking Priority, that and trying to sort out who is supplying our electric!

I hope to order a corset in the next couple of days smiley - smiley

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 71

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Welcome back! transplanted Toccata. smiley - smiley
What is it that you do, work-wise?

Evil scientists always have vast funds. does that mean you're... not real? smiley - cry

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 72

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Please note the 'in training'. Evil Scientist students are just as cash strapped as normal students. You'd think we wanna take over the world or something.... smiley - laugh

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 73


I'm a lady of lesiure at the moment, but trying to be a brewer again (I spent the last four years paper-shuffling smiley - sadface)

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 74

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Talking of that, how's the homebrew coming along? And what you doing online at this time of day, oh ladee of leisure.. smiley - winkeye


Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 75

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

What is it you're brewing?

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 76

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

smiley - whistle


Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 77


Oops! sorry.

Am brewing ale.

smiley - ale

The latest one is ok I spose, but a bit too much roast& chocolate (ie Stout) flavour for a beer at 4% smiley - sadface It doesn't really taste *right*

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 78

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'


too complex for me...

I reckon; mead was invented first, and they should've stopped there.
smiley - smiley

are you all composed and at-home?

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 79

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Is there any left for me to taste test tomorrow Toc? smiley - boing
Must remembr to pick up a couple of bottles of Mead to bring back for my leaving do(s)

Corsets, Cons and brass necks

Post 80

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

mmm... mead...

finally, have found a local stockist; I don't know if it's any good, and it's only one flavour, but it's easier than having to go to Newquay. The last trip there resulted in 4 of us buying 33 bottles.
smiley - bigeyes

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