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The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 101


You're right, Steve, I'm not saying it was authentic.

We did agree the chef wouldn't use a fish sauce - but given the evidence of the cream soup, can I be sure?

Ah, well, it's all behind me now.

(I'm just relieved it wasn't another risotto!)

And whilst we're on the subject, should the veggies in a mushroom risotto be soft or al dente, in your opinion? (That question is addressed to everyone!)

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 102


Hi Paul,

IMO the mushrooms should be soft, but the rice should have a little bit of bite - perhaps not quite al dente

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 103


Thanks, Sue!

What about the rest of the the veg? Courgettes and peppers for instance?

I'm asking because the last one I had, the veg - apart from the mushrooms - were all al dente, and I'm afraid I didn't enjoy it at all!smiley - sadface

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 104


Now if you're not careful, I may object to the turn this thread has taken - as it now seems to be about food....


The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 105


smiley - laugh

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 106


smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Well, we could always migrate back to the food board smiley - biggrin

I'm not a huge fan of al dente veg, especially in a risotto, I think they should be fairly soft.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 107


That's what I reckon, Sue.

There's a place for al dente - but not in a risotto!

Food board definitely won't let us back on now until the morn!

Does anyone else reckon these smileys are rubbish on h2g2?

I mean compared with the message boards!

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 108

Organoleptic Icon

I suspect that few Thai Chefs really understand the concept of "vegetarian" let alone "vegan". And as nam pla is a brown liquid it clearly does not contain fish! Cincalok, OTOH, does!smiley - loveblushsmiley - blushsmiley - cheerupsmiley - ok

A though hits me. Do vegans eat food that has been fertilized with dung? Or only with nice chenmicals?

As the rice in risotto seems generally to be cooked half way to congee, it would seem odd not to have soggy veg. Must admit I've never quite seen the point of risotto!

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 109


I know little about Thai food, Steve, so that's enlightening.

The chef said he'd just use the Thai spices in the dish - and it was delicious.

Forgive me if I seem a bit gushing about this. It's not often I get a good meal out.

It's only a month or so since I had to settle for a bowl of roasties at a Sunday pub lunch!

The only choice on the menu was between beef, pork and chicken. No veggie alternative at all. The guy offered me a roast dinner without the meat - but he couldn't make me a veg gravy.

He was a bit embarrassed and wouldn't charge for the spuds!smiley - laugh

BTW, the hour difference on the boards is still going - they've been open for business since eight o'clock!

But no-one's posted yet because they haven't realised it!smiley - laugh

Cheers, Paul

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 110


Oops! The site is closed again.

There was just one post on Chatterbox, which I tried to respond to, and got the closed msg!

Apparently it went off and on again last night.

And they're still working on it!

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 111

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i tend to lurk, ive been around for about 7+ years.
h2g2, as someone wanted to know is linked to all the bbc , its given the term,(sso) single signon. many years back, you had to register on anything new each time.
its only been in the last year than ome of the messageboards either to a board or h2g2 linked, came more active.
apart from, food, there is 606, pov,archers and more.
my personal space is a link to all ive been part of from day one in 2002. smiley - dragon jim

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 112


Dee - your Tolkien bit was great! smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh


The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 113

Organoleptic Icon

Great kudos to the h2g2 moderators who have responded to my appeal re post 39 by reconsidering and reinstating it.

And shown they have a sense of humour by saying that it was "in bad taste".

Inevitable really given the topic!

I don't recall the Food monitors ever responding to an appeal, let alone accepting it.

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