A Conversation for The Great British Breakfast


Post 1

Jenny and Fred the cheese

you forgot one thing, the chocolate bar after, it also helps if you dip this in ketchup.


Post 2


Ewww! That is disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Ketchup!? Personally, I think you should be shot on sight if you don't use Mayonaisse!


Post 3

Mark Moxon

I can't handle chocolate after breakfast because my breakfast consists of a huge bowl of Coco Pops. They taste so chocolatey they even turn the milk brown.

Ketchup tends not to add to the experience, though.


Post 4


What did you vote for... Coco Pops or Choco Krispies?


Post 5

47318 - I am a number not a free man

They could have called them Krispie Pops, but I guess that sounds a bit like some kind of bodily emanation...!

It's Friday afternoon and I'm bored - why can't I go home now?


Post 6

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

Both I was trying to confuse them.

I was the only voter with the exeption of the staff


Post 7


Chocolate can be eaten any time, anywhere, with anything.....especially nice with a pint of lager, and a cigarette to finish off with, I find!


Post 8


Why is that chocolate digestives taste different if you eat them upside down (the biscuit, not you !) compared to chocolate side up ? And why do bananas taste different if you cut them up and eat them with a fork compared to straight out their skin..........


Post 9


as for the biscuits....depends which side hits your tongue first!


Post 10

Mark Moxon

Coco Pops, of course. They taste much better than when they're called Choco Krispies.


Post 11

Jenny and Fred the cheese

i voted for 'small puffs of rice with sceintifically fused chocolate excrement' but i was very pleased with the result. Bananas taste very nice if you stuff them with chocolate and then barbecue tham.

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