A Conversation for Hangover Cures


Post 21

Researcher 49380

It's the llamas, they cause them all the time


Post 22

Sandwich Maker

I find smacking the llama a bit before drinking helps remove that particular problem, of course if you are seeing llamas in your house before drinking, then you are probably using things heavier than alcohol which can also help with hangovers but does nothing for smell. As a person who made it through four years of college and was known to have better tolerance than all my friends and to have only been hungover once, here is my method. First remember the rather ridiculous rule "Liquor before beer, in the clear. Beer before liquor, never sicker." It sounds stupid, but when one is VERY plastered, I have found it is much easier to remember a rhyme than anything else. Secondly, try to eat starchy foods before drinking as it absorbs like a sponge and drink TONS of water before bed, I agree with the above mention of making it a contest. As far as sobering up before mom and dad find you, a nice walk always is a good idea. It should sufficiently sober you up, that coupled with water and some breath mints should help solve your problems. Why couldn't I have found this page before I started college, then I would have avoided the night I actually thought drinkin my lukewarm mixed drink with my roommates lukewarm beer poured into it was a good idea. Trust me it was not (see above rule). All this typing has made me thirsty....... Cheers!


Post 23

Cobblewiffle The Third

Another way to avoid hangovers would be to not drink.


Post 24

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Poppycock. God intended us to drink. Why do you think Jesus and the disciples spent all their time lurching from oasis to oasis. Oasis, ancient Egyption word meaning drinking place.


Post 25


Avoid hangovers!!? Hangovers are a important part of our everyday life. If they weren't there, how would you remember you were drinking like a Swedish mushroom the day before?
Cheers, I'm of to the beer tents...


Post 26

Cobblewiffle The Third

God intended us to drink??
Who is this God person ayway?
I personally don't think God cares if we drink or not as along as we don't injure someone in the process.
Hangovers are bad karma, that's why they should be avoided.


Post 27

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

I don't belive in god but then I'm an athist, cinic, psycopath(ok not psycopath) the list goes on..............


Post 28

The man in the shack

Of coure God cares whether we drink or not. Why d'you think He sent His lad down here to turn all that water into wine? And what was he doing for the thirty years before he got famous? Pissing it up in Jerusalem bars and nightclubs with his "disciples", causing riots at Bethlehem FC away matches and shagging Mary Magdelene. That's what he was doing. Also, kebabs originate from Jesuses manor. What further proof do you need?


Post 29

Sandwich Maker

Sacrilege Darling!!! I find it highly ironic that on a website dedicated to a "book" based on some musings thought off by a person who was extremely drunk and lying in a field (or so legend says)that someone is actually using the phrase "avoid drinking". I think it is almost a requirement to truly get the meaning behind much in the books, time to go for my hourly beer! smiley - winkeye


Post 30

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

...and cloudy skys are caused by all the angels sitting on clouds gathering at the huge bar in the sky. Rain is caused by drunken angels falling off their clouds and spilling their drink. Hell is for hangovers or is that hangovers are hell.


Post 31

The man in the shack

This should clear up the question of whether God wants us to drink or not once and for all.
"Drink no longer water, but use a little wine," said St. Paul in his first letter to Timothy, "for thy stomachs sake and thine often infirmities."
And that's from the guy who stands at the gates of heaven. I think he'd be a bit miffed if we turned up at the entrance of paradise, reeking of soft drinks.


Post 32

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I'll drink to that. Cheers, bottoms up. In 1972, 500,000 people turned up for the Olympic Games in Munich, Germany. A week after the games ended 1 million people turned up in the same city for the Beer Festival. Drinking races won hands down. Trust me, I attended both events, I think...


Post 33

The man in the shack

Perhaps you could be the next captain of the New Zealand olympic formation-drinking team and kill two birds with one stone.


Post 34

The man in the shack

Or are all international formation-drinking events covered by the all-blacks?


Post 35

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

An Australian cricketer, David Boon, holds the world record for cans drunk on board a jumbo jet flying direct from Aus/NZ to Britain. 38 I believe. All All Blacks would comfortably reach the 30s.


Post 36

The man in the shack

And what have we Brits got to give to the international arena of competitive drinking? Paul Gascoigne, that's what. Past are our glory days when George Best drank so skillfully for his country, and with such panache. We've got an awful lot of homework to do before we're in with a chance of standing up to the Kiwi's, the Aussies or the south africans at the 2001 drinking world cup.


Post 37

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I believe Gasgoine is past his best. George (hallowed turf) Best was on a NZ TV sports chat show recently. Youngish blonde in one arm, beer can in the other, we are talking legends here. Has Britain annexed Ireland again?


Post 38

The man in the shack

No, We just import all their major drinking celebrities cos ours aren't anywhere near as good. Oliver Reid may have spent his professional drinking career passing himself off as Brit, but when he popped his cloggs they buried him in county cork, where they learn to drink before they can walk.


Post 39

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

My own small claim to international drinking fame occured in 1974 on a Russian Aeroflot plane flying from England to Moscow. Two NZ, one Australian females and I drank the plane dry of beer. Luckily these were enormous quantities of vodka available.


Post 40

The man in the shack

Well I'm amazed the pilots hadn't had it all. I saw a tv doc. about aeroflot once. The pilots and navigators all get mangled on vodka during flights. Maybe they wear special drink-driving pilots gloves or something. Or maybe the whole flight's on autopilot. Or maybe they're just hard cos they're Russians.

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