A Conversation for The Forum

FORUM: What does 'ethnic' mean?

Post 41


"If race is not biologically significant why continue using it socially significant? "

Because it is now a social construct and social issues are not constrained by little things like evidence and proof but rather 'what people think'. And current thinking seems to be that race/ethnicity is important and we must pay attention to it both generally within society and specifically when making decisions to ensure that people aren't paying attention to it when they make decisions and consider general socialogical issues.

"will there be a corresponding shift in attitudes away from the 19th century concepts of race?"
Being an optimisitic forward looking happy go lucky sort of chap, I doubt it.
I can forsee perhaps a time when such regerative technology would be able to grow non-specific body parts and you'll still get people adamant that they want their body bits grown from 'white anglo saxon' cells even though there is no such thing.

Reason being? There are those, and to be honest we're all guilty to some extent, who only hear the bits that pertain to how they already view the world. The knowledge might be there, but you need to have an exploring and accepting mind to take advantage of it.

FORUM: What does 'ethnic' mean?

Post 42

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

>>Current thinking seems to be that race/ethnicity is important and we must pay attention to it both generally within society and specifically when making decisions to ensure that people aren't paying attention to it when they make decisions and consider general socialogical issues. <<

smiley - tongueincheek n'est–ce pas?

>>The knowledge might be there, but you need to have an exploring and accepting mind to take advantage of it.<<

An argument for a better science curriculum if ever there was one. smiley - winkeye

And I didn't get the job as I fully expected, however was told over the phone that the possibility of having a sit down talk with the interviewers to go over areas where I might improve is available. As soon as the letter confirming that arrives I'll be taking them up on that offer.

FORUM: What does 'ethnic' mean?

Post 43


"smiley - tongueincheek n'est–ce pas?"
Not entirely. I think there is something fundamentally wrong with all the equality measuring. The stated aims are all fine and dandy, I don't think the implementation is without its own pitfalls and does in fact contribute to the very problem it seeks to monitor.

"possibility of having a sit down talk with the interviewers"
Deffo worth doing.
I went for an interview for a position where I work - I'm on a 2yr fix term contract and an open ended version of my job became available.
I didn't get it and when I asked my boss (who was the interviewer/selector) why he was very non-committal. I pushed harder and suggested a few things and he sort of hummed and hah'd and denied the things I suggested but couldn;t really come up with an answer. Which was all very not useful!

I suspect a case of personal preferance (the guy who got it was also on a 2yr term and joined the same time as me).

FORUM: What does 'ethnic' mean?

Post 44

McKay The Disorganised

Course I'm pure Celt so none of this applies to me.

smiley - cider

FORUM: What does 'ethnic' mean?

Post 45

Taff Agent of kaos


a few years ago on the wright stuff on channel 5 they were discussing the proposal of involantary repatriation from the UK

i phoned in and gave mysmiley - 2cents

we should send them all home starting with all the angles, saxons, danes and normans....then lets see how they like it!!!!

smiley - bat

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