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What makes a man a man

Post 1



know that this is linked to the back up question from H2G2, however I am trying to find out what boy's think they need to do to become a man. So far my research with adolescent boys has lead to some suprising findings. smiley - huh

It would be good to have some thoughts from the Great British public on this. smiley - biggrin

What do you think a boy needs to do to become a man?

any thoughts greatfully recieved smiley - ok

What makes a man a man

Post 2

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

1 Try not to be judgemental

2 Look up the definition of 'humility'

3 Develope good manners

4 Be considerate

5 be prepared to step up to the plate

Novosmiley - smiley

What makes a man a man

Post 3

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master


So what does that make me then?

smiley - winkeyesmiley - run....

What makes a man a man

Post 4


You could try this
If it's useful, you might pass on some of your surprising findings...?


What makes a man a man

Post 5

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

In a word: maturity.

Some boys become men way ahead of time, some remain boys until the day they die.

What makes a man a man

Post 6


Getting older. I know men who aren't any of the (very positive) things listed here, and different people have very divergent ideas about what maturity means.

But, given the spirit of the question, Novo's list is a nice start for how to be a decent person of any gender. I perhaps have a way to go on this myself yet, but I would add that I think growing up tends to involve gaining sense of perspective. The troubles that bother you as a boy often turn out to be small things that you'll laugh at later.

What makes a man a man

Post 7


I think the humility one is especially relevant. It's important to understand the relative significance of things, and realise that you are generally quite insignificant. The next step is to learn to accept that.

Also I tend to think that 'growing up' involves realising how few absolutes there are, and being comfortable with that. For example, I know someone who struggles with the notion that morality is not necessarily absolute, so, say, there is nothing objectively wrong with bigamy. It's just that it can be problematic, so it's generally avoided. This way of thinking is, I think, a mark of maturity. I think that makes sense smiley - erm.

What makes a man a man

Post 8

McKay The Disorganised

Learning to love someone more than you love yourself.

smiley - cider

What makes a man a man

Post 9

clzoomer- a bit woobly

True, McKay and additionally perhaps seeking to make oneself worthy of love...

What makes a man a man

Post 10


Benevolence and insight in equal measure

smiley - zen

What makes a man a man

Post 11


How many roads must a man walk down?

When you know how to

1) Put others before yourself when necessary,
2) take responsibility for your acts and omissions,
3) find a compromise when you disagree with someone, and
4) apologise when you are wrong, then you are a long way towards becoming a man.


What makes a man a man

Post 12


I don't know what makes him. But the Daniel Craig in Casino Royale makes a very good man to my way of thinking.

What makes a man a man

Post 13


smiley - laugh the 007 Daniel Craig I meant to say...

What makes a man a man

Post 14

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

'What makes a man?'
A penis and a beard. Perhaps a moustache at a push. And a hat. smiley - run

What makes a man a man

Post 15

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

...and in the 2legs vein...

A Y chromosome and some testosterone.

More sensibly, I agree with the comments made above although you can keep Daniel Craig. Particularly I would say the wisdom to know that respect is earned and cannot be demanded and also that it is far better not to fight and far harder to make peace (you never hear of sporadic peace or peace breaking out).


What makes a man a man

Post 16

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - sorry sorry... I had to say it... after all I'm a man (allegely) ... male sense Of humour? smiley - ermsmiley - run

What makes a man a man

Post 17


smiley - erm I think I have that male sense of humour thing too, 2legs.

What does that make me then?

What makes a man a man

Post 18

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

Lucky ??
smiley - smiley

smiley - hug

What makes a man a man

Post 19

badger party tony party green party

Not caring about being a man but caring about what you do and those around.

A mans worth comes from within not the praise of his fellows. As it does for the other gender too.

smiley - rainbow

What makes a man a man

Post 20


Thank you to all who replied to this post.

the surprising results that I found during my research with young men included:-

Not having sex, but making love. That is thinking about your partner, pleasing them and having an experience that is more than "wet biology"

Accepting who you are, and celebrating the potential that you have rather than trying to be something that you are not and never achieving it.

Knowing and accepting your limits of alcohol, strength, relationships, speed and life. In developing these limits it is sometimes required that they exceed them to confirm their boundaries.

Being responsible - that was accepting blame if it is deserved or not; looking out for others, not always physically but with relationship, time, love and money; understanding the implication of ones one actions and accepting those.

The conclusion was that each young man needs to travel their own pathway to manhood, but that key events are recognised and celebrated by others with them.

there was a large amount of resonance between their thinking and yours - so thank you all smiley - ok

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