This is the Message Centre for Pinky

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
ive let prof know this threads on the go. smiley - dragon jim xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 2

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

where you been ?, what's been happening? me and Jim have been wondering why no contact since way last year ish ?

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 3


Hello You Two XXXX LONG story,but everything is fine ,I am fine ..I've missed dreadfully ,please fill me in on the news XXXX It's so good to be back XXXXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 4

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

we don't mind long stories, we've just been plodding on as usual - skint

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
if you look in your mesages you will find any journals i did, they are dead my end now,(except the china one i did a week back) but if you read them it will give you an idea whats been happening.
the main thing is im on my own again, rats as married in january this year and moved on. and my house as been totally redone by the housing, and profs at his side.smiley - dragon jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 6


Wow ,well thats the best news possible Jim,Rats being gone I mean ...hope he has a happy life ,and we know yours will be even happier now all posh too ..I'm thrilled to bits for you Jim XXX Well,sadly prof,I'd love to say,I'm writing this from Bermuda ,I won millions on the lottery and I don't know what to do with my time or all the money ..sadly,I can only report,since last we spoke,I haven't even won a tenner ....BUT,the good news is ..I'm still here in sunny Blackpool hahahahaha eee,it's good to be back XXXXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 7

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

try these Pinkysmiley - winkeye


jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 8

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
what happened to prof, i got even worse, and they are still sorting the damage and things,
damaged tiles in the shower, done a few days agone. tiles near gasfire in kitchen, to do,another repaint in the livingroom and bedroom, this will be the third.
plastering here and there. and the biggy, the loft as to be redone, wire ontop of the insutation, enough insullation for three lofts, not even rolled out.
and they finished the houses over 6 months ago. smiley - dragon jim xxx
ps, to know what ive been doing,as i said you will have to read the journals on your messages way back smiley - rofl jim xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 9


Hello You Two,trying hard to cath up on all of your news ...things are still not so easy for me here ..I will stay intouch ..and read ,all I can ..Love Pinky XX XX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 10

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
with my hayfever, ive been under the weather for months now.
i dont go out as much as i did, but spend any time i can at the library on a pc, or at a cybershop that cost me a pound an hour.
i wont be out today, monday. ive a livingroom door to sort and a tv in a kitchen to settup for a mate. take care smiley - dragon jim xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 11


Hi Jim,I had no idea you suffered with hayfever ...can't ask you to come and help out at the flower shop then ? Lucky you hahahaha Hope your feeling better soon XXX Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 12

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky

my fault, i went out the other month to a farm with a mate, and the farmer had a few fields of the rapeseed, and the flowers where fling off.

take care jim xxx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 13


Hi Jim,well that explains it then ,rapeseed flowers are just about the worst so I've heard.I wonder if they grow them around here ? I want hayfever ,no more work,early retirement ,you make me SO jealous Jim ,really hahaha ....Hope to chat with you soon ..thinking of you Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 14

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
till a few month ago, i had nothing more than sinus now and then, now the hayfever,not nice.
the only worry, if if i was to get swine flue, my system would be low, and with the heart problem. well ive nearly reached 62, and had 7 yrs on here, so cant complain smiley - rofl jim xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 15


Hello Jim,I pray you don't get swine flu does seem to be subsiding ,so it said on the news ...fingers crossed X Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 16

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
still waiting for the housing to fix the tiles in the kitchen, they have been coming since tuesday. if they arnt here or ring by 10am, im away to town, and the cybercafe. smiley - dragon jim xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 17


Hi Jim,did they arrive ? We must spend hours of our lives waiting for repair/deliverymen.Is that the last job now Jim ? I've been reading ,it would have been quicker to just rebuild the house if you ask me hahaha Have a good week-end Love Pinky XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 18

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
from what my next door neibour said, i went out at 20 ten this morning, and the housing turned up, without the phonecall he was to make before 10am, at 11am.
ive a slate in the roof to be replaced, the tiles on the fir suround the idiots broke over 8 months back to do, and the walls in the livingroom and bedroom, will probably have to be done again. smiley - dragon jim xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 19


Hi Jim ,I can't believe the trouble your having ,so the tiles didn't get done today either ?

jimcracker,prof, and pinky

Post 20

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
ive waited this long,so another few days aint going to make much diff, and with my luck, something else will go kaput. smiley - dragon jim xx

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