A Conversation for Rugby League

rugby league

Post 1


Rugby League comes from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire and dates to 1895. Huddersfield isn't in Australia and the game didn't reach there until 1908 via a New Zealander. That Australia consistently beat Britain is one of those freakish occurences that upsets the natural order of things. It really ought to be stopped.

rugby league

Post 2

Eddie Hitler

Rugby league is only following one of the lawsof sport in general; The British invent a game, people world over like, and then thrash the living daylights out of us. It's a sad occurence every time, but I think we're just used to it now and it's not going to change. The southern hemisphere guys just play too much sport for us to cope.

rugby league

Post 3


...It's just a pity they can't invent a sport of their own that the rest of the world likes! If they did we might be able to turn the tables on them!

rugby league

Post 4

Bill the Wonderllama

Couldn't agree more. But it is the greatest game on the planet Earth.

rugby league

Post 5


As seen as I've recently sold my soul to Cable & Wireless purely to avoid Rugby League starvation down here in God forsaken Portsmouth, I couldn't agree with you more.

Of course, if my team doesn't make the grand final, I'll be hammering down the doors of C&W to demand it back.

Uou never know, it MIGHT work!

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