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Hello Totty

Post 261


Leave A Message Here :o)hi,just popping in to tell you everyone has poetry in them.just try it.

there once was a girl called totty
who had a tattoo on her botty
it depicted a scene
of a girl all in green
and it drove her boyfriend potty

Hello Totty

Post 262

Researcher 234607

hahahahaha oohhh very good smiley - laugh
im honestly not good at poetry honest!!! i need lessons smiley - rofl

nudgenudge winkwink
i can smell an awfull stink
started off in my tum
then made its way out my bum
then gurgled up the sink!!!

how bad was that!! smiley - laugh

Hello Totty

Post 263


about 5 bacardi's worth ??smiley - rofl

Hello Totty

Post 264


for a first try not bad.the thing is to keep it simple and avoid words that are difficult to rhyme.the more you practise the easier it becomes.pick a subject you know something about or try the limerick thread where you have to add a line to a limerick.
good luck


Hello Totty

Post 265

Researcher 234607

and where do i find the limerick threadsmiley - huh
iv got a friend whos really got a poetry, she does some really nice stuffsmiley - smiley

Hello Totty

Post 266

Researcher 234607

that meant to say good at poetry smiley - sorry

Hello Totty

Post 267


either go into "search" or look on the home page or try the friends united front page.


Hello Totty

Post 268

Researcher 234607

smiley - ok will do but for now im off to bed smiley - zzz take care hope to speak again soon

smiley - flyhi

hey there

Post 269

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

just thought I'd have a look at ur space, and had to laugh at the merry crimbo message, which, for me, currently reads

'Merry Christmas, I don't think you're happy enough, that's right... I'll teach you to be happy... I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs!, And A Happy New Year' smiley - rofl

smiley - cheers

hey there

Post 270

Researcher 234607

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh oohhh well u picked your username not me smiley - rofl

seasons greetig to all

Post 271


Hi Totty,

Miss logging on for a couple of days and it takes half an hour to read through all of your postings! smiley - yikes You are a popular girl aren't you?smiley - winkeye

Guess I'm too late to tell you what I intended doing this week-end as it is almost over - I seem to have been involved in playing taxi-driver for 'er indoors and doing shopping. smiley - groan Still it's all in a good cause - christmas and all that. Tomorrow promises to be more of the same and in the meantime I'm trying to do work on the drawing board for my architect friend.

I hope you are all prepared for christmas now and ready to enjoy the good bits. I'm going to try wrap a few presents up now whilst he ladyship is asleep.

Will try to keep in touch over the holidays but in case I cannot - do have a lovely christmas smiley - hugsmiley - mistletoesmiley - kiss


seasons greetig to all

Post 272

Researcher 234607

Hiya Jazz smiley - smiley

well sounds like you had an exciting weekend smiley - laugh

popular?? hmm wouldnt nesaseraly say that smiley - yikes but im a friendly person who likes to talk to people smiley - smiley

well better go, my neighbours popped in for a cuppa smiley - tea so ill talk to you later....hope to speak to you before xmas but have a good one if i dontsmiley - ok i ont be around for the new year week as im going to visit friends but ill talk to you before that, take care smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

seasons greetig to all

Post 273


Hi Totty,

Well I've had another 'exciting day' - mended a broken light tube in the kitchen (new tube and new starter, two trips to the shop!)
How many Civil Engineers does it take to mend a light tube? - ONE very frazzled in the process.

This evening we had a visit from a 'maiden aunt' friend of ours. She lives alone in a block of flats and is so pleased to have someone to talk to she never stops - we now know all the up-to-date goings on in that block. I think I dozed off at one stage.

I'm glad you are a friendly person who likes to talk to people - my kind of girl - can I ask your name? (I'm Jim)

I hope we can chat again before christmas but in case not I reciprocate your best wishes and hope you have a lovely time with that little cherub of yours, and hope smiley - santa is kind to you both.
smiley - kisssmiley - mistletoesmiley - hollysmiley - smooch

seasons greetig to all

Post 274


Hi Totty,

Happy New Year to you - hope you are enjoying the festive season and that Santa was good to you.

I hope also that the New Year is good to you - a happy healthy and prosperous one.

smiley - hug Jim

seasons greetig to all

Post 275

Researcher 234607

Hiya Jim smiley - hug Happy New Year to you also smiley - smiley
smiley - santa was very good to both myself and my daughter thank you we had a lovely time, also a good New Year where i got a little bit tipsysmiley - drunk with some good friends smiley - smiley at the moment im staying with them but go home tomorrow smiley - wah i would love to stay but i think they will be glad to see the back of me smiley - yikessmiley - laugh
You can call me by my name, Donna, if you wish but everyone calls me totty on here. So what else have you been doing with yourselfsmiley - huh
Well ill be going for now but ill talk to you again soon. Take care

Totty smiley - hug

seasons greetig to all

Post 276


Hi Donna,

what a lovely name, I feel we are just that little bit more personal using proper first names.

I'm glad you had a good time over the New year with friends - we had a very quiet time as our daughter and family were South in the London area somewhere visiting his family.

Isee the comment after 'a bit tipsy' reads smiley - drunk drunk !!!smiley - laugh

We stayed up to see the new year in then went off to bed. In between eating and watching television I've been doing some work on the drawing board but it's back to normal today - we took the tree and decorations down yesterday and packed them away ino the loft until next year.

chat soon smiley - hug

seasons greetig to all

Post 277



Have I lost you? - hope the bug hasn't got you. keeping clear of it at this end fortunately.

Hoping to hear from you


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