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Notable absentees

Post 1


What about Orson Scott Card Sheri S Tepper & Iain M Banks?

Notable absentees

Post 2


I haven't read much Tepper or Banks, but I would agree with you that Card shouls be there. There are many more that I would also put up, but it was a hasty list and when I get some more time I will definitely update it.

Notable absentees

Post 3


Sorry, but I just blundered into your site. Am I missing the point if I suggest two of my favourites?
How about John Wyndham, [Day of the Triffids, The Midwych Cuckoos, The Kraken Wakes, Trouble with Lichen etc} and
H.G.Wells [ know]

Notable absentees

Post 4

Gag Halfrunt

Timothy Zahn, a nice one to end the list.

Notable absentees

Post 5


If you want both science fiction and fantasy, I think Neil Gaimen (a little dark, but still fantasy) would be a good addition. Maybe Rosemary Edghill, Melanie Rawn, and Mercedes Lackey--going down the "recent" DAW scion.

Notable absentees

Post 6

Gag Halfrunt

kurt vonnegut?

Notable absentees

Post 7


Oooooh--I like Vonnegut.

Notable absentees

Post 8

Gag Halfrunt

There was an old man called vonnegut
who's writings were verry-gut
all his stories are mad-uns
and like douglas adams

Notable absentees

Post 9


Melanie Rawn I think should definately be there. But what about Raymond E. Feist and David Gemmell ??? Two of the best fantasy writers around.

Notable absentees

Post 10


An elderly man from Stamboul
Soliloquied thus to his tool:
"You've taken my wealth,
You've ruined my health,
And now you won't pee, you old fool!"
-K. Vonnegut

Notable absentees

Post 11


Robert Rankin should be in there. Sure, he may not be 100% SF&F, but he's bizarre enough to fit into either category, and good and funny enough to merit a position here.

Notable absentees

Post 12


For a list of "great" SF writers, I would have a much shorter list, but I think leaving William Gibson off is criminal.

Notable absentees

Post 13


Whoops. Forgot to add Harlan Ellison and Michael Moorcock. Both tremendously influential, I think, even if Moorcock is more known as a fantasy guy.

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