Updated great SF&F writers.

Here is my updated list. I've tried to break it down into catergories, and I have expanded it about 400%. It may still need work, so feel free to make suggestions and correct my mistakes. Before the Beginning: Cabal, Eddison, MacDonald Pioneers: Howard, Lovecraft, "Doc" Smith, Burroughs The Next Wave (The Golden Age): Heinlin, de Camp, Carter, Asimov, Clark, Tolkien, Simak, Spinrad, Bradbury, Del Rey The Last Thirty Years: Dickson, Abbey, Asprin, Saberhagen, offutt, Cherryh, Herbert, Haldeman, Niven, Pournelle, Pohl, Anthony, Bear, Benford, Brin, Bradley, Norton, Clayton, McCaffery, Farmer, Zelazny, LeGuin, Chris and Janet Morris More Modern: Drake, Jordan, K.S. Robinson, Spider Robinson, Modesitt, Moon, McKiernan, The Eddings, Goodkind, Weis & Hickman, Kerr Also: Stanislaw Lem I will try to keep updating this so let me know what you think. Thanks


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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