A Conversation for 'You Are What You Eat' - The Impact of Diet on Behaviour

More praise for Webwitch

Post 1


On any day but a Friday (which always seems reserved for the collaborative topic) this should have been the Editor's Pick of the Day.

Don't smiley - blush Webwitch - it is that good. Hope the next one can live up to the expectations you've set smiley - winkeye

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

More praise for Webwitch

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Very good entry - informative but at the same time worrying

More praise for Webwitch

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Needed to be said. Lots of evidence - a fair amount of support, but a huge vested interest in ignoring it. 'Sunny Delight' - need I say more! smiley - yuk

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

More praise for Webwitch

Post 4


its all part of a pattern innit?

Great read, thanks Webwitch

J smiley - rainbow

More praise for Webwitch

Post 5


Well, thanks all for your kindness:D

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