This is the Message Centre for InterestedMan

ace's welcome InterestedMan!

Post 1


I'm popping in as one of the assistant community editors here, or <./>ac es</.>. A Canadian one at that...Edmonton, Alberta. But, we aces greet newbies such as yourself and help you get settled. So to familiarize yourself with everything, carefully go over my colleague Feisor's list of Hints and Links at A719840. The first feature mentioned are the skins available(I use the Classic Goo myself), but much more awaits discovery. The assortment of <./>smileys</.>(the next item)are a great example...and there are quite a few of 'em!

As you progress down the list you'll eventually encounter ourweekly newspaper <./>thepost</.> and it's links page. Clicking on the latter-the link, that is-will reveal numerous additional points of interest, such as the Researchers' smiley - earthMap at A5076614. However a thorough examination of the list and the links contained there should prove rewarding. As a Canadian you're of course invited to jointhe Canadian Researchers' Club at A1037323 ...and drop into F19585?thread=

*sigh*ace's welcome continued InterestedMan!

Post 2


Must(Absolutely Mustsmiley - steam)make sure I hit 'Preview' and not 'Post'...but anyway, drop by our Canadian lounge of sorts at F19585?thread=252800&latest=1 to discuss well a variety of issues. And if after reviewing Feisor's list you have any questions, feel free to leave me a message. Simply use the 'Reply' button below and I'll try to get back to you asap, okk.smiley - cheers

*sigh*ace's welcome continued InterestedMan!

Post 3


I'd like to repeat the chocophile's (he's often refered to as 'Jaz'd', and some can even remember why) invitations, InterestedMan. Welcome to H2G2 and It's nice to have another Canadian about.

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