A Conversation for Official UnderGuide Miners' Survival Guide (UG)

Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 21


I saw it, I'm just a little bit slow to react nowadays. I'm an old-timer amongst the ranks of the miners, so my reflexes and wits are going with time.

2 years down in dark, damp mines will do that to you. Be warned smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 22

LL Waz

Hey Jodan smiley - smiley.

Nothing personal, and unconnected with this - you have Uglie email smiley - winkeye.

Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 23

Mrs Zen

*waves to Jodan*

How does Kaine get his email addy to you Sheep-Boy?


Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 24

LL Waz

*waves to Jodan, Ben and assorted prospective miners*

You have Uglie mail too, Ben.

Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 25

Mrs Zen

Won't be able to pick it up till the w/e unless it is URGENT. Is it?


Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 26

LL Waz

Just relates to smiley - stiffdrink and the ringing of bells...

Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 27


Uglie Mail? wot? very intriguing...
Is this postcards from people who think you are aesthetically unpleasing?

Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 28

Mrs Zen

The UnderGuide's most breathtakingly elegent and sophisticated abbreviation is.... 'UG'. (That articulate neanderthal look, you know!). Hence 'Uglie-mail'.

smiley - laugh

Dead intelligent, us.


Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 29


*you hear a clink as the penny drops*

Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 30


I feel rather silly now...

Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours

Post 31

Mrs Zen

Ach, don't worry about it - we are flattered you think we are pretty!

smiley - smooch


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