This is the Message Centre for Vestboy

Goodies & Baddies

Post 1

The Duke of Dunstable

Ok, the battle continues. How ever wil it end?

Goodies & Baddies

Post 2

Discordia Man

I haven't a goddamn clue, but before you guys claim it, This text is a victoy for evil! Gwahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha! Yah yah yah! Bffffffffffffffffffffffffff!

Goodies & Baddies

Post 3

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

Take whatever victory you can, Dissy. It'll be a long package hoiday in Hell before you enjoy another.(Try that with a sort of John Wayne vocal sound...I think you'll find it really meaningful!)

Goodies & Baddies

Post 4


We need to keep up the quality of goodness and not be led astray by "Kilroy was here" type comments.
We're now committed to using some medieval tests on the baddies i.e. dropping them in water to see if they float (a witch - so burn 'em) or sink and drown.
Fate Amenable to Change - never to be referred to as FATC - has had some sort of premonition triggered by TRED - which is very spooky and is now dressed in a wet suit and has partaken of Blancmange. The reason for which we have yet to discover.
The ferrety one is trying to eat his way into my underpants and is going to get his cummupance any minute now. Evil Giraffe is plotting merrily but is not in sight at the moment.
We also know that Thor is trapped in a lead pipe and we may have to wait for spring (in the hope that it will Thor out).
Right continue with the plot(ting)

Goodies & Baddies

Post 5

The Duke of Dunstable

My guess is that we shall have to have speaks with TRED in a near future, about his conversations with Fate. A worrying closing seem to have taken place between those two, if I understood it correctly. Or was it someone else, Vestiechap?

Goodies & Baddies

Post 6

Loz, the nimble witted ferret

Don't worry my string clad foe I wouldn't go near your goodie underpants in a million years it might be contagious (goodieness that is,not whatever else might be in your pants) BWOARRHH HAAA HAA HAA HYACK HYACK HYACK TEE HEE HEE HEE!!!!!!

Goodies & Baddies

Post 7

Discordia Man

Yes, but don't forget that I've coated the forces of evil in Teflon, which makes them water-proof and fire-proof.
Gwahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha! Yah yah yah! Bfffffffffffffffffffft!
Oh, yes. If I read that stuff that Olaf said in a cowboy voice, it does seem meaningful.

Goodies & Baddies

Post 8


**Sudden idea**
Why don't we have a vehicle race?
**Sudden realisation of problems**
In a forum?
**Sudden confusion**
Oooh, we could write descriptions of our actions in the forum, and us groovy evil guys could do Dick-Dastardly-type tricks on the 'super'heroes.
I already have an evil moped, I expect Vestboy has a string bicycle (with stabilisers) and, er, anyone else have any completely fictional vehicles?
For the actual race, I've set up a forum and an article at
Go there.

Goodies & Baddies

Post 9

Discordia Man

I have the Discordiaman Lowrider. It can go Mach 12, and has a variety of Evil weapons.

Goodies & Baddies

Post 10


I'm there and waiting to start.

Goodies & Baddies

Post 11

Evil Giraffe

A race, hmmm. Yes, it has possibilities. I will join you there.

Attention evil doers, I have hatched an evil plot. Don't ask me the http business because I don't know. Just go to my home page and click on "An Evil Plot is Hatched ..."


Goodies & Baddies

Post 12

The Cauliflower Of Virtue

I'm making another attempt to join the forces of Good. I tried to join before but all the heroes were busy trying to save Loz from a life of evil. (I see you failed, unfortunately...)
So, can I join you superheroes? I can battle with little bits of broccoli to combat Badness.

Goodies & Baddies

Post 13

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

Cauliflower, you're most welcome. However it appears that we have lost the thread, so to speak. When I find it I'll report back!

Goodies & Baddies

Post 14

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

OK, need The Phantom Menace - Episode One thread.

Goodies & Baddies

Post 15


The Cauliflower of Virtue! I think you're safe from the evil side I don't think there's a vegetarian among 'em.

I've been contacted by the Great High Wazzock and it appears he has conferred upon me the right to bestow special titles to people I especially like. This means some of the goodies may be sporting nice new shiny letters after their name, intergalactic knighthoods and some other titles that you would give your right arm for. Sorry CaulioV - right floret for.

I will keep you posted.

Goodies & Baddies

Post 16

Discordia Man

Actually, aren't giraffes vegetarians?

Goodies & Baddies

Post 17

Evil Giraffe



Goodies & Baddies

Post 18


But you're evil, EG. By the way I found this specially adapted incubator for hatching plots - here, it's a gift. You can put the plug on yourself.

*thinks* Was the plug to connect it to an electricity supply or to stop the water running out?

Goodies & Baddies

Post 19

Jenny and Fred the cheese

may i suggest a foolproof way to see if someone is good or evil:- Trail by Duck!!!!! tada! ask for details if necesary

Goodies & Baddies

Post 20

Evil Giraffe

How does it work? Does the duck trail the suspect back to their lair and then see whether the word "Good" or the word "Evil" is written above the door?

Or perhaps you were alluding to "trial by duck"?

Those who have not yet sided with Evil will be mocked as and when is necessary! =B>


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