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Post 1741

Spaceechik, Typomancer

It's not weird at all to still grieve for a cat. Pictures of my little cat Squeaky can still make me cry, and she's been gone for 9 years.

smiley - hug Tabitha was not alone, and that's good, for her and for you.



Post 1742

Lady in a tree

Here's another smiley - hug from me.

I still have guilt pangs about going away for 2 weeks and leaving Charlie. I knew he was ill before I went away - not for definite but a very strong gut feeling. I cried like a baby in the cab to the airport. I just knew. When we got back I saw my emaciated and pitiful Charlie and I couldn't forgive myself for going away. We took him to the vet straight away and put him to sleep.

The feelings of guilt do pass. That was back in April last year and it still hurts when I see photos of him.


Post 1743

Big Red

I'm going to try. And thanks for the lovely note about Tabitha. (I have tears in my eyes right now.) smiley - wah I knew you *would* understand, which is why I've been wanting to tell you about it.

So, how long before I can stand the thought of getting another cat? smiley - huh


Post 1744

Big Red

And thanks so much, Lady and SpaceCadette. smiley - hug I really am starting to feel better now, and the guilt has subsided, but I still remember how awful it was.

And even thinking about getting another cat makes me start crying again, so I know it's too soon! (Plus I think Mars LOVES being a single cat.)


Post 1745

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I'd give him a while to bask in the sun...let him be the only one for just this little bit of time. Time enough later to reintroduce him to reality! smiley - winkeye

You'll know when it's time -- either you'll see to see little faces all around you, or a little furface will find YOU! My Squeaky tried to climb through the kitten-cage bars, when she spotted me.smiley - smiley


Post 1746

Spaceechik, Typomancer

"start to see little faces..." smiley - doh

Time for bed; really. Wind's blowing like a son-of-a-gun out there.


Post 1747


Yeah, my cats sort of just happened to me - I wasn't out there looking for a cat.

Since Lua died I haven't had any 'special encounters', which is probably a good thing as I had never intended to have three.

At the moment two are proving to be more than enough! smiley - rolleyes



Post 1748

Spaceechik, Typomancer

How *are* the pee wars, anyway? smiley - erm

Maybe they just need to take a valium...


Post 1749


Check out photos 185 - 189 ...

And note that I'm now using 'Pee Wars' in the URL. smiley - cheers

For details, check the blog ...



Post 1750


How are you doing, Big Red?

Has that Big Birthday come and gone?

smiley - hug

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