This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 1681


Mudhooks, if you are 70 or older you can call me kid. I haven't been a kid chronologically for about 35 years. Mentally and psychologically, however, I am a kid every day.


Post 1682


On the other hand, Mudhooks, if you just smiley - tickle her she will probably revert to being 7. smiley - winkeye



Post 1683


Maybe, and maybe not.

When I was quite a lot younger, I had a bf who thought it was fun to tickle me to tears -- a power trip, I think. Anyway, one day I had had enough of all that and I decided that I was no longer going to be ticklish. I told him this fact, and he denied that it was possible and began trying to tickle me in all the places that used to reduce me to helplessness, and I totally blocked the "tickle" reaction. He was very disappointed that he could no longer control me that way. I haven't been ticklish since except in rare situations.

Oh yeah, the relationship was over shortly after that encounter. . .he liked being able to control me and I didn't like being with someone who wanted to control me.

Try plying me with wine or single malt scotch instead.smiley - biggrin


Post 1684


Will Bushmills do?



Post 1685


Sure, Black Bush especially. But it's not single malt scotch.


Post 1686


Well I never said it was, did I? smiley - winkeye



Post 1687

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Re odiferous smells, charcoal, helps as well, same with rock sulpher in the water dependent on the area are other minerals that can be absorbed, various grasses and herbs that you can grow that many cats will naturaly eat.

Space cadette three cats at one stage had six adult cats and 11 kittens(two litters from adult)and three eight week old ones living in three roomed apartment four meters by three average room size.
being springboard for a dozen kittens at times watching the train image from tom and jerry approaching as the chase a shadow.


Post 1688


But how do you get charcoal for cat boxes, logicus?



Post 1689


Posted this on my blog yesterday. It was so flicking hot (more than 45ยบ!) that the cats were even more floppy than ever. So I got out three of those blue freezer pack thingys and wrapped them in a towel. Then tried to convince Sunny to lie down on it but (silly dog!) he preferred the floor. And then clever cat Azar discovered the Cold Towel - so here's a photo of them both.



Post 1690

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Az we are talking the covered cat boxes(that have the little sponge bit in top(some oven replacement filters the same thing)air flowing through
filters out ome of the smell, some charcoal from barbque in box amonst little will also absorb some of the smell, burnt wood pretty good as is full of holes that water used to travel through so soaks up a lot of stuff.

charcoal tablets for dogs, cuts down on smells produced for cats you can hit them with hammer and feed them , even soak them in chicken or fish stock make them bit more palletable, have used burnt toast, ulpher blocks in the water help cool the blood. Garlic as well suppose they must oak that up through the skin out there, amongst the other spice's

Sure will be some native plants that aid digestion, as most of the smell is from bad digestion.


Post 1691


I have a client who is a vet and she swears by the yogurt cure because the acidophilus aids the digestion. This is also why you should make sure the animal is worm free, as that also affects the digestion. Anyway, I tried the yogurt thing on my puppy, who was having terrible problems with diarrhea, and it fixed her up in less that 24 hours and we have not had trouble with it since.smiley - ok


Post 1692

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I have been house sitting for my friend's kids' menagerie and I just want to say that I really appreciate the ease of care which smiley - cats require!

I've been caring for a dwarf bunny, a frog, a fish and a tarantula. Each with their own little peculiarities, and feeding/watering schedule. Thank Bob my friend took their 4 month old puppy with them!

Then, there's the garden...

Cats are easier. smiley - biggrin



Post 1693


Hi everyone. I'm about to write a guide entry on coping with the loss of a pet and was asking in 'ask' for people to volunteer advice and experiences. Az suggested I look over here , so does anyone have ay objections to anything they've said here possibly being included? Alll contributors will be credited as an author. Please let me know on my space. smiley - ta


Post 1694


For my part, I don't mind at all, Serephina. I just don't envy you having to trawl through almost 1700 posts ...



Post 1695


I have far too muchfree time at the mo smiley - winkeye

and thankyou


Post 1696

Lady in a tree

Serephina - I have no objections at all about you using anything I have contributed.

I would have let you know on your PS but didn't know where!

smiley - ok


Post 1697

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I've no problem with being quoted, either. Anything I learned I *paid* for, so to speak, and if it can help someone else, golden!!



Post 1698

logicus tracticus philosophicus

same here with me


Post 1699


How's the guide entry going, Serephina?

*waves to logicus* Where have you been keeping? Never see you around. Then again, I'm not 'around' all that much either.



Post 1700

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Still around from time to time pop in to claim my post 42 on the antelier then get ignored, read up on noggin there, pend fair bit of time on which reminds me have another photo for your albumn of me as a 12/13 year old, taken about same time as jwf policmans uniform.

hope chez az buisness is going well, glad the mini meet went well in seville. have visited your home page a couple of times, in fact used as example to a mate who is thinking about doing the same only with paintings. nice to cross paths within aday of each other, seem to be enjoying spanish weather over here at moment, henry still doing well, showing his age a bit at times, and not so much at others, specialy leaping up eight foot wall in back yard despite me chopping hole in back gate. must dash

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