This is the Message Centre for smurfles

How cheerful!!!!

Post 1


I have been smiley - lurking,for weeks now,and today had a good look round the site ,although i admit i haven't spent as along as i should have!!The time i have spent in here has been reading about "the brocks"mostly,and just checking my friends are smiley - ok.
There are so many people suffering from depression,and not feeling like must be the lack of sunshine,we haven't had much recently ,have we???smiley - sadface
I hope that the dark clouds lift for everyone soon,and i have made a resolution to drop in most days,before my friends think i'm just a total misery,and don't care about them!!
Maybe i should have called this the rant thread,feel free to have a good moan,and we can try and help each other to cheer upsmiley - hugs!!

How cheerful!!!!

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Morning Smurfs! smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

Good to see you, hunny smiley - magic

How cheerful!!!!

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm sitting here with a nice cup of hot smiley - tea to make me warm and cheer me up. smiley - hug

How cheerful!!!!

Post 4


Hiya Smurfles, you got the winning numbers for this weeks lotto? That'll cheer me up. smiley - biggrin

smiley - cat

How cheerful!!!!

Post 5


Nice to 'see' you Smurfles smiley - hug

smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - zoom

How cheerful!!!!

Post 6


Hello Smurfles,

Good to see you. I don't like the dark days either, but there are compensations. I found a few to put on my site. I am trying to find the good things we are given even in winter, as Autumn seems to have left us very quickly here.

Take care, and thanks for keeping an eye on the brocks for me. They are being a bit naughty at the moment, but I guess they are just hungry. smiley - rofl Just six weeks before they hibernate smiley - sadface

Websailor smiley - dragon

How cheerful!!!!

Post 7

Reality Manipulator

Hi Smurflessmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

Here is a large mug of hot smiley - chocsmiley - coffee with smiley - ojsmiley - stiffdrink and some marshmallows.

I feel like this for at least three weeks after the clocks are changed every year at winter. It was starting to get dark at 4pm.

Here is a funny poem:
I am very fond of bugssmiley - antsmiley - ant
I kiss them
And I give them hugssmiley - hugsmiley - hug

How cheerful!!!!

Post 8

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal
ive been about, but have a kind of pest or stalker, thats been up to no good.
as you probably know, the virgin as been playing up for ages agin, i never know if or when i can get on here.
a few are in contact with me on emails, still unhappy about the age change, so they havent been posting.
after 5+ yrs on here i take it on the chin, and hope that it gets better in time. smiley - dragon jimbob xxsmiley - lovexx

How cheerful!!!!

Post 9


Hey Smurfles, stop by my latest journal (Variations on a Theme) and see my latest artwork. It's very bright and cheerful! smiley - disco

How cheerful!!!!

Post 10


Hey! WS, how do you post pictures like that? They are really goodsmiley - ok

Yea! we could do with a "feel better" thread, all this depression stuff is no good for our moral? Must admit, it was me who started it off, well I contributed towards itsmiley - erm
I got out the Halogen heater, it really cheers the room up with its bright yellow light, and it even rotates to spread the light around the roomsmiley - ok Its my feel good machinesmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

How cheerful!!!!

Post 11


I'll email you Smudger. It will be easier than putting it all on here. It is dead easy, like most things once you know how. I have had such fun since I was given the camera. I don't get out much, but it is surprising what you can find, if you look hard enough.

Have you tried running them as a slideshow?

Websailor smiley - dragon

How cheerful!!!!

Post 12


Cheers WS, I can post pictures no bother on that Ex service site I go to, even after they changed the process after we moved servers, we had to use [img] and [img/] to post themsmiley - cool
There are not a lot of pictures posted on here normally. I have all mine stored in its great, as even when my computer crashed, I never lost a single picturesmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

How cheerful!!!!

Post 13


Hello sal smiley - biggrin

You've brought heaps of people out of the woodwork with smiles on their faces smiley - biggrin

I shall keep fairly quiet about spring and longer sunnieri days in NZ smiley - winkeye

How cheerful!!!!

Post 14



I will forgive you for 'not' mentioning spring in NZ and the longer sunnier days. At the moment I wouldn't swop them for what I was doing last night. The evidence will be on my badger thread, and photos on Flicker later.

Websailor smiley - dragon

How cheerful!!!!

Post 15


Aye! Mk2 got me a 12 M/Pixel digital camera a while ago, and it takes great pictures, I am still finding out about it every time I use it. It has auto settings that do everything for you or you can switch it to manual and do it your self, but you need to know what you are doing, so that's me out of itsmiley - winkeye
You can even crop them before putting them onto your computer, rather than do it on the computer. The quality is really amazing, when you zoom right in close there is no blurring or distortionsmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger,

How cheerful!!!!

Post 16


Hi, Smurfles, hope you are smiley - ok and still smiley - lurking or you might miss the photos


My little camera only manages 8Mp. It has all the features you mention, and is brilliant for scenic shots, and close ups are brilliant, it is the middle distance which it doesn't cope with very well. That is a pity because I can't get quality photos of my birds or badgers. Mind you any photos of the badgers are a thrill and I got lucky last night:

I use the Auto mostly, as I haven't a clue about exposure etc. but the Manual setting is handy if I don't want the flash to go off. Like you I learn something new ever time I use it. If I had more free time, I would learn quicker, but like you I have other duties to be attended to first.

Mine was a present so I would feel guilty buying another one just yet, but once I get the hang of things more I think a 12Mp will be on the cards.

Take care,

Websailor smiley - dragon

How cheerful!!!!

Post 17


Hi WS, I got your Email and thanks for that. I have been so busy recently buying RAM and other parts from EBay trying to fix my old desk top computer. So I have fell behind with all my other correspondence, sorry about that.
Of course I made a right mess of one item, wrong spec of RAM, and have been having Emails flying back and fore, trying to sort it all out?
I should be back to normal, if there is such a thing, soonsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

How cheerful!!!!

Post 18


Glad you got my email. I don't expect immediate replies, I get bogged down too smiley - smiley

As you already have a photo site you won't need it, but I thought it might be of interest anyway. BBC Autumnwatch is using Flicker too, which is nice. I have uploaded three photos to it. It will be interesting to see if they are accepted smiley - smiley

Take care, off to ring Canada now, but will be back later smiley - biggrin

Websailor smiley - dragon

How cheerful!!!!

Post 19


How nice to see so many cheerful peoplesmiley - hugs!!!!
I was beginning to feel i had excluded myself from the site,by not posting as much!!!I shall make a point of dropping in much more now....thankyou all!!!smiley - applause

How cheerful!!!!

Post 20


smiley - winkeye

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