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Would you believe it.....

Post 61

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Thanks lil - Nice to see you toosmiley - smiley*waves*

Would you believe it.....

Post 62


4th december.
I've been a bit lax with my research ,and still haven't got any nearer finding the elusive Tabithasmiley - wah
However,on Sunday we were invited to a surprise party for my sister-in laws 80th birthday.Although we're in contact on a regular basis now i still hadn't seen their children since we were all quite young,and ,of course they were all there,with their childrensmiley - applause
We had a lovely time,and i got to chat with my three neices,who are in their forties and fifties .Lots of hugs too. Of course there were other family members there too,that i'd never met,and i was struck by the resemlances to my family,Now i have lots of pictures to add to my small treasured collection,smiley - biggrin

Would you believe it.....

Post 63


28th may 2008
Well,despite not having felt like sitting at the computer for very long,i have made a ittle progress.I am now i touch with a very distant relative,who's great aunt used to have tea with my great grandmasmiley - smiley They were related through marriage.
Unfortunately he lives in Australia,but is a very keen correspondant,so keeps in touch on a fairly regular basis.

This week i heard from a lady who
s fathers grandfather was married to one of my great great grandfathers daughter.I have found lots of siblings that he didn't even know about,so i have to find the patience to link them all up now,just to double check the facts.smiley - wahthis is the tedious part,
Back to the searching,yet againsmiley - sadface
And the Tabitha saga continues!!!

Would you believe it.....

Post 64

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - wow

So much information! smiley - biggrin

Would you believe it.....

Post 65


smiley - headhurts
Maybe i should do an entry about family trees!!!smiley - laugh

Would you believe it.....

Post 66

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Why not! smiley - biggrin

You could start with the 'bonsai' version first and work up! smiley - whistle

Would you believe it.....

Post 67


smiley - laughI wouldn't know where to start lil!!

Would you believe it.....

Post 68

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I think it was something to do with the birds and bees smiley - winkeye

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