This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

I have just heard from nikita, the lady i email, that lives in china,
Tomorrow the 8th july, nikita will be starting her travelling arond china, she said she will be staying along the way in youth inns,(hostels).
I have asked nikita to send me photos of the places she will visit, and i will from time to time, add them or some, to my tinypic acount. and post on this,as a click link.
Nikita was to have setoff a month back, but helped her brother with is shop, and in return he as helped nikita with money, so she can probably travel, not for six months, but a year.
For anyone that wants to know and see where nikita is at times, this will be an open,continueing jerno.
I will add the first town or city in the next message. smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 2

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

smiley - ok

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 3


Thank you Jim,

I was going to ask you what had happened to Nikita as I hadn't had an email from her for so long. I hope she will be safe with everything that is going on in China at the moment.

If you do have contact with her please pass on my good wishes.

Websailor smiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 4

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websaior
she was to set off after she gave up work a month or so back, but her brother asked her to help him with is job, and he as i beleive partly funded her on her travels.
when i get the next email, with the exact town she will be heading for first i,ll send word back to her.
ive asked her two send at least twp photos of where she goes,smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

Sounds like that Nikita will have a very interesting time travelling around China. I hope that she will visit the walled city and the great wall of china.

I look forward to seeing the pictures with great interest.

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 6

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

nikita was heading off today.
nothing on my active, so till i go to the cyber tomorrow, i wont know if anything waiting. smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 7

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

nikita should have left Guangzhou,on the 8th of july, to Qinghai, 30 hours by train,on the first leg of her travels in, and around China. smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 8


Thanks Jim. As I said before I hope the trouble in China do not affect her. I know it is a big country but it seems Internet and phone has been blocked in some areas by the authority.

I will be glad to know thing are smiley - ok with her.

Websailor smiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 9

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
she said the hostel have email and internet, but will as you said depend on if she can use it.
her phone is internet linked, but with the distance she will be travelling it might not work.
smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 10


Let's hope the unrest doesn't spread too far.

Thanks for the info. Take care,

Websailor smiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 11

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

nothing yet,unless there is a reply on my blueyonder email.

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 12

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i have just heard back from nikita, i will cut and paste the part of the message i can on here.
she had to had a plan change.
she sent to my active, so ive sent to my blueyonder to get at the cyber torrow. smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 13

Reality Manipulator

Thank you for the news Jimsmiley - smiley

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 14

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

jist of email

there are photos, but having probs opening at the cyber, will try at the library when i leave the cyber.
i am so sorry for late reply.
i have started off my tour on july 8, i am in shanghai now. i missed the
train from guangzhou to qinghai on july 8,so i changed my travel route.i
went to hangzhou by plane on july 8,then went to suzhou on july 11,and
went to shanghai on july 12 by car. on july 15 i will go to qinghai from
shanghai by train.commonly there are only tow or three pc in the younth
hotel.but there are many people want to use the i have no pc reply to
you . today i open my mailbox by my phone,i knowed you are anxious about me
,so i only use my phone reply. i will send some photo to you once get pc.

ps:my brother had given me some money as he promised,and parents are anxious
about i will go to xinjiang where a violent affair happened, because i was
planning go to xinjiang after go to xizang
smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 15

Reality Manipulator

Thanks Jim, for the informationsmiley - smiley

I wonder if Nikita will stil be going to Xnjian.

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 16

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

two for now, having probs open the others

smiley - dragonjim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 17

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersThank you Jim for the pictures.smiley - smiley

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 18


Jim, thanks for the news and the photos. Please pass on my good wishes to her and tell her to take care.

I hope she gets access to a PC soon. I can imagine her parents will be quit worried.

Websailor smiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 19

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

ive a few more to open, the cyber pc sever was to slow yesterday so i might get them today. smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 20

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

two more, its like pulling teeth to open them

smiley - dragon jim

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