This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 61

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

opss should be store.

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 62

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

last four for now.

an old town in lijiang of yunnan

grassland in sichuan.2

a town in tibet.1

a town in tibet.2

smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 63


Thanks Jim. They are stunning.

Websailor smiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 64

Reality Manipulator

Thanks Jim for sharing these wonderful pictures, they are great.

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 65

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i use the tinypic, as the quality isnt lost, and all you see is the image.
smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 66

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

photos taken at lugu lake in yunnan.

smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 67

Reality Manipulator

Thank you Jim for sharing these breathtakingly beautiful pictures.smiley - smiley

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 68


It is lovely to see the 'real' China, and it really is beautiful. so peaceful looking too.

Thanks Jim.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 69

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
ive only two of about 42 pcs at the library, i know of, that i can copy to pictures, to upload to tinypic. so its mainly at the cyber when i go.smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 70


Great pictures from Nikita. There's a few I'm seriously thinking of half-inching to use as wallpaper/screensavers (if no-one minds, that is)smiley - winkeye

Thanks Jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 71


Hi Jim,

The pictures are breataking and amply shows the beauty of China.

Nikita is a super photographer.

DS smiley - smiley

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 72

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi anne, ds
anne if you want any send me an email to my jimcracker7 hotmail co uk. and i,ll send the original ones. except the ones with nikita on, personal ones.
emails there for anyone smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 73

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

latest update from nikita,
I will end up my travels soon,i,m in Chongqing now,the day after tomorrow(dated tuesday)i will go to Jiuzhaigou by plane,where is a beautiful place,i will stay several days in Jiuzhaigou,then i will go home,i will go back to normal life,and have to find work again.
from jim
no photos as of tuesday, i will check the hotmail tomz, if weather is a bit better, when i go to the library smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 74


Thanks Jim. The time seems to have gone quickly but it sounds as if she has had a lovely time. Coming back to real life and work will be a bit of a wrench I guess.

Websailor smiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 75

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
i think she wanted to have 6 to 12 months, but probably the situation at the moment,in china and money she would cut the time away down.
she as fullfilled her dream to travel, so will prpbably settle into a work routine.
im at the library this afternoon,to see if thee is any photos on my hotmail. smiley - dragon jim xx

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 76


Hi Jim,

Is Nikita from England? Please forgive, if you have stated this elsewhere in the thread.

Once again, I really enjoy the pictures. Thanks. smiley - smiley

Best regards,

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 77

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi ds
nikita was born in china and lives there, she had her own shop, but decided to work for a while,with an import,export company, then went on her dream trip in another part of china,
her home is, Shaxitown,Zhongshan city,in china.smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 78

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
the journal is nearly ended.
i received an email for nikita this morning, she is now back in her own town, and waiting to see if she can get he old job back.
there are some photos still to convert and add, that will be on my hotmail, or blueyonder.
i will add on monday at the cyber, and part of the email.
smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 79


Thanks Jim. I am glad she is safely back home but sad too that her trip is over. I am sure she will have some lovely memories.

Wish her smiley - goodluck with the job in case I don't get around to it. Must smiley - run

Websailor smiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 80

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
with luck i should be adding the,what could be the last set of photos today, and part of the last email.
smiley - dragon jim

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