This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 81

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all

these are probably the last of the photos.and a short bit of the last email from nikita.

i have gone home back several days, i would like to go back to the company before i left zhongshan, the manager don't refuse me, but she can't confirm when i can go back, so just waiting at home.

attached some photos, which were taken in jiuzhaigou of sichuan.

if the ones looking at the piucs and journal would just add a hello to see who as been following the thread. thank you,from smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 82

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Welcome home, Nikita.. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos with us! smiley - magic

lil x

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 83


Hi, Nikita,

Thanks for the lovely photos. Hope you had a great time. smiley - goodluck with the job.

Websailor smiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 84

Reality Manipulator

Welcome Nikitasmiley - smiley

Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures of your country, they are indeed marvellous.smiley - applausesmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - cheerssmiley - cool

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 85

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

they are so wonderful to see, ive just put all of them,except the two personal one with you on,onto a guide entry. so anyone can find them if they look for china.or photos. smiley - dragon jim xx

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 86


Thank you to Nikita & Jimsmiley - hug. The photies were brilliant, some of them absolutely stunning. Hope Nikita finds a job soon, must be hard to settle back into 'normal' life after all that. Good lucksmiley - biggrin

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 87

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
i have put all the photos on here
with the exception of the two with nikita on, till i have asked her if its ok to add to a permanant guide.
if anyone wants any of the photos, for any reason, i have them on my jimcracker7,
smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 88

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

last entry from me, hopefully nikita will be online to drop a message.ive emailed back tonight.
nikita is still waiting to here about the work, she said a ex workmate will be taking maternity leave soon, and nikita could be back temp, or permanent. smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 89


Thanks Jim. Don't be a stranger

Websailor smiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 90


Hi,all my friends

Thank you for all your concerns and good wishes.The journey took me two months, i enjoyed various view on the way, and made a lot of new friends,it is a memorable and wonderful trip.China is a beautiful country,welcome to China!smiley - smiley

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 91

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi nikita
i received your last email, i will reply back when i go offline on the h2g2.
smiley - dragon jim, always your friend and epal xx

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 92

Reality Manipulator

Hi Nikkitasmiley - smiley

I really enjoyed looked at the photographs that you took, they were professionally well done.

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 93


Hi Thinker,

Thank you for the compliment, I am amateurish for the photography, the scenery is too beautiful, so i can take a good photograph optionallysmiley - blush


tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 94

Reality Manipulator

Take care Nikita and all the best.smiley - smiley

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 95

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
im keeping this journal active, incase nikita sends any more photos, if there are any to come.
smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 96


Nikita, you know what makes a good photo, but not everyone does, even when the scenery is stunning smiley - smiley

Websailor smiley - dragon

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 97


Hi Websailor, thank you, I have sent more photos to jim today, jim will update in the journal soon.smiley - smiley


tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 98

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

will be tomorrow, if the weather and buses are running the right way over the weekend. smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 99

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

some more, ive lots to convert yet.
hangzhou and suzhou




while on the plane
smiley - dragon jim

tomorrow the 8th, a lady called nikita,will begin her travels around china.

Post 100

Reality Manipulator

Great photos of brillant picturesque views.smiley - coolsmiley - applausesmiley - oksmiley - cheerssmiley - bubbly

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