A Conversation for Heroes - Characters

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A42737060 - Heroes - Characters

Post 1


Entry: Heroes - Characters - A42737060
Author: folktroubadour - U8651845

I have written this article on the characters of the NBC show 'Heroes', but it is not complete yet. I have yet to add the details of other characters, and i don't know how to change fonts or add pictures. eedback would be appreciated. Thanks

A42737060 - Heroes - Characters

Post 2


I'll have to come back to this, I'm going Christmas food shopping! smiley - run

A42737060 - Heroes - Characters

Post 3



A42737060 - Heroes - Characters

Post 4


I think you'd need a brief introduction to what Heroes is at the beginning, for anyone who doesn't know.

smiley - panda

A42737060 - Heroes - Characters

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm with Cyzaki. Not knowing the series, this doesn't really tell me much. Not enough to go on reading anyway. It looks a bit as if they were characters from X-Men. smiley - erm

A42737060 - Heroes - Characters

Post 6


This could be the basis for a more general entry about the television show - just going through the list of characters isn't very interesting, and will confuse anyone who hasn't seen the show.

Alex smiley - smiley

A42737060 - Heroes - Characters

Post 7


The author seems to have smiley - elvis - Flea Market?

A42737060 - Heroes - Characters

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Seconded smiley - ok

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