This is the Message Centre for arwen, doing nasty essays. being a student should *not* involve work!


Post 1

arwen, doing nasty essays. being a student should *not* involve work!

only 2 more days of school! thats only 350 more mins of lessons!! and then i have to do exams, and i don't know anything!!! help!!!!


Post 2


do your exams start immediately after school ends? if so, the only really useful advice i have for you would be to (1) check your exam timetable (i once studied for the wrong exam on the wrong day. thankfully this was in the fifth grade), and (2) sleep early the night before. you can never get too much sleep. i don't know if it works for you, but what i used to do was - go to bed early (about eleven o'clock), and then get up early (well, earlier than i normally would) to do a last minute skim-through-the-notes at about half past five in the morning. i think it works better than burning the midnight oil. above all, stay healthy. there is nothing more awful than having a cold when you're taking a written paper! it makes your brains go soggy, and mucks up your concentration. (happened during geology and genetics. i had to ask the invigilators for tissue paper. i think they were terribly amused)

i hope i don't sound like a nattering old aunt. best of luck, hope you do well - and we'll see you after you finish your exams! smiley - cheers


Post 3

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

I have no advice, sorry, having not ever taken real final exams. (a few last year that were counted as grades but were not exactly finals, just comprehensive tests in math, french, and science) But what Farlander said sounds good. Good luck.

I have 4 1/2 weeks of school, which include finals. Those are spread out over four days, 2 per day, with the last one being a makeup period (there are seven class periods a day at my school). I think I have six exams, english, math, science, social studies, french, and orchestra. But my seventh class is gym/studyhall/health (first sememster), so I won't have any exams in those classes. smiley - smiley


Post 4


well, best of luck to you too, then!


Post 5

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!


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