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A question of fairness

Post 1


Me and a colleague have both recently been getting abusive phone calls, probably from the same person, and when each of us realised it wasn't just us getting the calls we both decided to go to the police over it.

I'm on the receiving end of some fairly homophobic (but completely unoriginal) language, my colleague is getting comments about her supposedly loose morals and we both called the police at around about the same time yesterday evening.

I had a (very lovely) PC come round to my house within an hour of my first phone call, a couple of calls from the hate crimes unit and I've been offered extra police patrols around my house. M'colleague, who lives in the same police area (so no postcode lottery), has been told the earliest a PC can get to her is Wednesday.

My question is, is this fair? We're both reporting essentially the same crime and yet I'm getting far more prompt attention. I probably shouldn't complain, given how lovely the police have been over it, but it doesn't seem right to me that I should be offered so much more police resources especially given what's going on at the moment.

A question of fairness

Post 2

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

No, it isn't fair at all. But in today's age of enlightenment and sensitivity training, homophobia gets far more press-time than other common forms of abuse. So in the end, it doesn't surprise me much at all ... smiley - erm

A question of fairness

Post 3

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

That does sound a bit off. On the other hand, many police offices these days have "LGBT community liaison officers" or something similar, probably to make up for previous bad blood between the QUILTBAG community and the police. So perhaps one of those was available to deal with your case.

TRiG.smiley - shrug

A question of fairness

Post 4

Taff Agent of kaos

""Me and a colleague have both recently been getting abusive phone calls,""

keep a whistle by the phone (nice loud shrill one)

answer the phone and if its abuse

smiley - whistle down the phone

smiley - injuredwill soon get the message

smiley - ok

smiley - bat

A question of fairness

Post 5


I'm not bothered about the language, I hear worse everyday at work, it's the inconvenience of not being able to pick up unknown numbers or getting woken up late at night.

I am giving serious thought to setting up a call divert to the number of a sympathetic friend. In Australia. That'd hurt them.

A question of fairness

Post 6

Taff Agent of kaos



smiley - bat

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