A Conversation for Stories from World War Two

The bombers and the rat.

Post 1


I never met my Grandmother (Dad’s mum) or my Great Grandmother on his side come to that, but the one story that I’ve heard several times is of the bombers versus the rat.

My Great Gran, and my Gran were living together in London during the Blitz. Gran had been out and was returning home one evening as the air raid sirens sounded. She was nearly home so she carried on along the streets to reach the house that had a cellar rather than using a public shelter.

As she turned into the top of her street she saw my Great Gran outside the house leaning over the gate. By this time there were enemy aircraft overhead and bombs were falling. She shouted down the street to find out why Great Gran wasn’t down in the cellar and the reply came back, “I’m not going down there, Jack’s (one of the family dogs) caught a rat.”

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The bombers and the rat.

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