A Conversation for Stories from World War Two
Mom and Dad's Wedding
Barneys Bucksaws Started conversation Apr 27, 2003
My parents were married August 9, 1942. Mom and Dad had known each other for years. Dad grew up in the small village of Alexander, Manitoba, and Mom, from Winnipeg, used to vacation at her Aunt's out there. They were engaged while Dad was training in Winnipeg.
In the summer of 1942, Dad was in Brandon, preparing to ship out, but not expecting to go till Fall. Mom was cooking at a Fresh Air Camp for underpriveledged kids up at Gimli on Lake Winnipeg. Their wedding date was set for the end of August, Mom's gown and going-away suit were being made. Then Dad phoned Mom at the camp and told her they had to get married right away, he was leaving earlier than expected.
Mom's suit was finished, so she cancelled her gown, bought a beautiful hat, and she and my Nanny got on the train to Brandon. August 9 they were married at the "New Chapel" at A-4, the barricks in Brandon, by Dad's Padre. No flowers were available, so Mom carried her old Auntie's Anglican prayer book. Seventeen days later they said good-bye for 2 1/2 years. Mom wore a yellow ribbon all that time for her "Gunner in the RCA". She kept it in her handkerchief box after the War.
They weathered that, forgave and forgot anything that happened during the war, and got on with their lives when Dad came home. For their 40th anniversary my sister-in-law had one of their wedding snap shots done into a portrait, which I now have. Dad in his Battle Dress, and mom in her lovely suit and beautiful hat. They had been married 43 years when Mom passed away, raised 2 kids, and had 3 grandsons.
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Mom and Dad's Wedding
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