A Conversation for Stories from World War Two
Another perspective
Phil Started conversation Apr 26, 2003
Do not get me wrong, I think that Hitler and the Holocaust were horrible things, but not everything that the allies did during the war was rosy (then again, what is in war?). My grandad was in the German navy during WWII, and was captured and placed in a forced march to Yugoslavian PoW camps. He was lucky, many people died on that march. One of his friends was tortured and castrated for information, before being clubbed to death, my grandad only survived because of eating earthworms. At one point some of the prison guards came in and asked if anyone was a veternarian, this one guy put up his hand, and was asked to cure the horse of one of the Yugoslavians. The horse died anyway, and the vet brought it back to the prisons for all of them to eat. In this way, anyone with a talent had a better chance of living. My grandad is a pretty good painter, and at one point he was asked to paint a picture for the leader of the camp, in exchange he was given a bowl of soup, a huge luxury.
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