A Conversation for Stories from World War Two
HMS Hood & The Bismarck
Pongo Started conversation Apr 26, 2003
One story that I will always remember is that of HMS Hood and The Bismarck. I am only writing this from memory so excuse me for any factual errors and feel free to post corrections.
HMS Hood was once the pride of the Royal Navy she was one of the largest battleships of her time, but by the time WWII broke out she was fairly old. The Bismarck however was one of Germany's new 'pocket' Battleships and outmatched HMS Hood. In May 1941 off the coast of Iceland the Hood and (I don't recall her name) another RN ship were attacked by the Bismarck and (I think) the Prinz Eugene. The Bismarck with her advantage of superior firing range and accuarcy, got a direct hit on HMS Hood and she sunk so fast that only 3 people survived from a crew of 1,418. One theory is that shee took a hit to her magazine (ammunition storage) which blew up with such force, it sent her straight to the bottom, I'm not entirely sure but I think the 3 survivors were blown clear by this explosion.
This incident gave rise to a massive naval hunt and a fleet of Royal Navy ships chased down the Bismarck in the ensuing battle the Bismarck was sunk with massive loss of life, only 115 from a crew 2,200 survived.
As I said before the facts I write are merely from memory and I mean no disrepect by any errors I make. This is more to remember the 3,500 men lost on the two ships.
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HMS Hood & The Bismarck
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