A Conversation for Random Quotes Guild-Lurking Where All Fine Quotes are Quoted

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Post 1

Allmighty Phil, Ruler of the many many moose of alpha centari

"all the worlds a stage and we are merly players " --shakespear

but if we are mearly players who asignes the roll , who is the director? who dictates weather or not our role is good enough to be included in this grand masterpeice , our magnumopis , known as life?

a small furyt creature from alpha centuri has just lost his towel (and intrest in this page)

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Post 2

Darth Zaphod

Well, thank you random furry creature from alpha centuri. I will add you to the random quotes guild member list right nowsmiley - winkeye

Darth Zaphodsmiley - planet

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Post 3

Allmighty Phil, Ruler of the many many moose of alpha centari

thank you verry much darth zaphod, this random fury creautre is verry pleased. -_-

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Post 4


yes, sign me up as well. I've finally found a placve where all my miscallanious quotes and thought's can go. smiley - bubbly

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Post 5

Darth Zaphod

You bet, toowoohoovoosmiley - smiley I'll add you right now!

DZsmiley - planet

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