This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

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Post 1


Well it took me 45 minutes just to get in here tonight? Then to add insult to injury, I was not allowed to post until I had Become a Member?

A bit of a surprise to me, especially after being a member for over 10 years nowsmiley - erm

Anyway, all sorted out now, and after checking all round, everything seems to be where it was before, so harm done theresmiley - winkeye

Now that I am here, I was thinking it was about time I started to write some more snippets again, if there is room for them in smiley - thepost that is?

Maybe sound things out first Eh? I hope all the rest of you managed to get in here OK, could let me know by a quick post in reply to this, take car one and all.smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 2

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Ancient mariner, you´re not a single handed sailor. Most of the gang are aboard and more or less sober.smiley - smiley

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 3

helga danielsen

Hi Smudger, I too managed to lock into this new place and I am sooooo glad to find you are here too. Do not know if you remember me, but that does not matter, what matters is that I found a dear, familiar name. I often think of you and your wonderful snippets and if our wife is o.k. Let me see if in the future I will be able to appear here more again! Hope YOU are o.k. too, but I guess so, since you want to write some more. Love, Helga used to be called farawaylady, but that got changed on the way.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 4


Aye! I remember you from the early days, there was a bunch of us and we used to hold parties, (virtual ones) in each others gardens, (mine were held in the summer house, that I built for Mk2)smiley - ok

Mk2 has cheated death twice since then, but is still here, keeping me busy looking after her.smiley - winkeye

Hope you pop in again soon, as for my writing, I've not done any for quite a while now, but being a full time disabled carer, I don't seem to get out much to see a lot of real life?smiley - erm

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 5

helga danielsen

Well, that is a shame, but also very good news about your wife. I have not been writing anything either. Workind and traffic to and fro keeps me out of the house for eight hours every day. But this is still a lovely place to drop in and feel part of. Love, H

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 6


Aye! it is a nice place to pop in to, but I must admit I do feel a bit lost, as a lot of the folk I used to know are not here any more?

Yet there is always hope that they might pop in some time, well after all, you came back Eh!smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 7


The old log in problem is back again smiley - wah I cant get in without entering a number that comes from H2G2 with an Email, before I can log in?

As long as I can get in here to post the odd joke and keep my Have A Laugh thread going, that will do mesmiley - oksmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Smudger, add this to your favourite list and use it to access your account:

lil x

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 9


Many thanks for that, I have added it now, so hope it works tomorrow, thanks again, much appreciatedsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 10


Used that link tonight, it eventually allowed me in, but when I go to change it over to lay out, it takes me to that page for Preferences, then back to that first screen again?smiley - smiley

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 11

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Keep trying Smudger- lil will helpsmiley - smiley

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 12

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi Smudger, if you are logged in when you put that link to your favourite list it should take you directly to your account each time.

However, if you look into the Front Page, that will automatically revert to Pliney. You can either use your back button, preferences, or again hit that link to get back.

I'm sorry I don't know how to explain it any clearer. I just know it works for me smiley - ok

lil xx

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 13


Thanks for your help folks, I almost gave up, but I managed to log in tonight in the end, so here is hoping I've kept the right bookmark.smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 14


The new skins do get very confusing - particularly if you visit the Front Page. But if you can bookmark your own space in your preferred skin it is possible to always get back to that.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 15

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

That works fine, ok.
But what I´m sorely missing is the "eyes on" thingy.
B****y h**l, when (or if, rather - no use anymore) I go to Prof´s for a smiley - ale and a chat and look into the bar mirror I feel like I might be the only human in a room full of smiley - weirdvampyres.

smiley - wahPlease, please - we need our "eyes on" back!

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 16


Aye! its frustrating really, as every time I make a new bookmark, it only works the once, then I have to go back to Google and make another onesmiley - wah

Is this a hint for me to stop coming in?smiley - erm

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 17


smiley - space
hi smudger smiley - smiley

a whiles back i was as befuddled, bewildered and befrustrated as you with the new pliny and my old skin
it seemed sometimes things worked and sometimes they didnt
so one day, when i was at my best, i set to figuring it all out...
there seems to be a problem with how links display in pliny and/or our old skins
and, also, i don't know where you are on the planet so it is possible some links i could give you MAY not work
if they don't, you can let me know if they are not doing what i say they do for me...
but before you tell me, try highlighting the link and copying and pasting it, control C, and then control V, in the address window at the top of your browser window...

i will just try to describe as clearly as possible
how i can now view h2g2 in any skin i want, including pliny, even though i am not logged in
how i can log in and post in any skin i want, including pliny

here is the first thing to think about:

when you are NOT logged into h2g2...

clicking on this link
will take you to the pliny front page

clicking on this link
will take you to the 20 most recent postings in the brunel skin BUT if you click on one of them you will wind up not in brunel but in pliny and at the beginning of the thread you clicked... this is a little annoying but you can just click the 'end of thread' arrow at the top of the thread to get to the last postings.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 18


smiley - space
if you ARE logged into h2g2 then clicking on those links will take you to the places but clicking on the links in them will still take you to pliny format destinations... unless... you do this smiley - biggrin

1. log in
2. go to preferences top right side of pliny screen
3. everything will be filled in except the password slot, you don't have to fill it in
4. set the skin slot to say what skin, other than pliny, that you want
5. click the button at the bottom that says 'update'

it will take you to your personal space in the skin of your choice.
so if you were replying to something in a conversation, you then have to find that conversation again to reply to it...
this also can be annoying but there are ways around it...

so far, this is the only way i have found where i can have what i want, a workable brunel skin and the old info page back (where i can see more than the last 6 conversations)

i have to do this everytime i log in

log in
go to preferences
click update

essentially you only need 3 bookmarks to get logged in and up and running the way you want listing of most recent 20 threads in your skin of choice your personal space in your skin (yeah i know, this one is mine)

by the way, when i post in pliny, the preview does not show links highlighted but they will highlight in the final posting... if they are valid... make sure they are whole... with the http etc in front and all... no shortcuts right now with pliny and the old skins merely still on speaking terms only smiley - blush

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 19


smiley - space
now, no matter whether you are logged in or not, or in Pliny or another skin...
if you click a Front Page button you will wind up viewing it in Pliny, and clicking on any links on it will take you to those places in Pliny

as far as i know, the only way i can view an article or thread in my skin brunel is if i come from a brunel place...
or if i use copy (control C) and paste (control V) to tweak my brunel links...

i like the front page, just not the colors and the loss of some capabilities
i don't like that we can only see SIX most recent conversations
i do like that i can see who posted the last remarks

so i go to the front page once in a while
and so i know about some of these quirks
and how to get back to my brunel skin

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 20


smiley - space
okay NEWS FLASH! we are always learning! smiley - biggrin

it appears that those links i gave, when logged in and in brunel, do not work!!
you DO have to highlight them and paste them into the address window

once that is done you can bookmark them

start a new bookmark folder in your Bookmarks Bar (the one that runs along the top of your browser and shows your most used bookmarks) and just put those three links i gave into it...
amended of course to reflect your skin and researcher number smiley - towel

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