This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

Global Warming.

Post 1


Or what ever name it seems to get called these days, the point is that its not going to go away! I was watching a documentary on TV about it today, and it struck me as kind of odd as to why it is not being discussed on a global level? Another thought came to mind was, why is it that all the different countries can club together when it comes to a world war, and help each other out, but they cant seem to do the same about this problem. Especially as it it is ALL the combined countries that are causing the problem?
Cheers, Smudger.

Global Warming.

Post 2

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
they are now starting to contridict thems selves by saying it not all ozone and global warning.
the honest truth is the are doing a micheal fish, when he said it would be fine and sunny, and llok what happened then, the worst storms and ever a typhon,
i gave up watching the ruddy things they say, its going to be winter soon, and its either a good one, or another 1980.s one.
smiley - dragon jim

Global Warming.

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

opps sorry the k/board playing up again lol

Global Warming.

Post 4


The weather is certainly changing all over the world, that just cant be deniedsmiley - erm
What we do about and when is the main question, it could already be too late? Although some folk that the planet does this automatically, but there its no doubt that We have brought it all on a bit quicker this time smiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Global Warming.

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
we,ve had a glimps of what could happen in time in the disaster movies.
over the yrs things we see in films have started to come true to a point, last few months, we had a waterworld in yorkshire.
the ray gun, in say dan dare is now a laser. so what people think up in a film, is starting to come true to a point, so there could be either another ice age at xmas,or the sun will break through the ozone lair in time.
smiley - dragon jim

Global Warming.

Post 6


That's true Jimsmiley - ok We have been watching National Geographic channel for the past few days, and its all really depressing, as if the earthquakes or tidal waves that follow them, don't get you, then global warming willsmiley - ermsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Global Warming.

Post 7

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hello Smudger!smiley - smiley It's certainly been awhile, hasn't it...hope both you & Mk2 are doin'ok!

It is quite a problem alright! Maybe it's not gettin' as much attention in all the media, but it is being talked about on a global level. I probably shouldn't say anything without knowing all the details, but personally I think most of 'em are movin' too slowly. Have a look at this webpage & watch the 'Eileen Claussen on E&E TV' clip as well as the Evo DeBoer clip that follows.

Global Warming.

Post 8

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh & we(Edmonton)'re on their map of North America(smiley - ermdubious distinction that it is - look for a sun & a number 4 in the upper portion of n. america, click n. amer. on the world map first)

Global Warming.

Post 9

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

it wont matter what we get for winter, we have no control over it, if its mild then the bills will stay down, but cold the boiler as to work overtime.
so we are in the hands of fate
smiley - dragon jim

Global Warming.

Post 10


Thanks for that link Jaz, it was very interestingsmiley - cool, I am not one of those ecological nuts, but I do feel that the problem, as you say, is not being treated with the importance it deservessmiley - ok

I have been around this globe in my time when I was in the R.N, and would like to think that it will still all be there for my G/Kids when they want to travel around itsmiley - winkeye

(Jim, we are having some right weird weather here i Fife these days?)

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Global Warming.

Post 11

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
one thing i cant understand, is they go on a polution, and damaging the atmosphere, yet for hundreds of years, and still now we polute the country year after yr,
nov 5th, we have fires that are certainly doing damage, and the change to the weather is always more after the bonfires. a lot colder.
and to say its because of men who tryed to distroy parliement, where exicuted in a barbarick way, and the things the kids now set off are such as , the chatherine wheel, that signifies the death on the wheel of a queen, the mt versuvios, that signifies the death of thousands, in the eroption, what next, the sadam bomb with a head that flies off. the mind boggles lol smiley - dragon jim

Global Warming.

Post 12

helga danielsen

Hi Smudger! Remember me? I have not been having too much time to write here, but today I saw the postings about Global warming and would like to give the Southern Hemisphere Aspect for whoever is interested. Our rainy season, they call it winter here, has had little rain, and when it was a kind of European rain, not the gushings down for days and days as used to be. We have not had any thunderstorms for at least three years and I love them so. They used to come around March here. The last winter lasted longer than usual and brought a lot of cool wind, which is welcome, but just not normal for here. It is still cool at night, also unusual for this time. Well, so much for Brazil and here everybody knows about the Global warming too, but nobody is doing anyhting, they rather shift the guilt to other countries! Hope you are well and your wife too! Love, F

Global Warming.

Post 13


Hi F, its great to hear from you againsmiley - ok Yea! I was watching the Discovery channel earlier today, and they were on about China becoming the biggest carbon producer by 2050, its all depressing really when you think about itsmiley - erm
Its not us that will suffer the consequences of this, its our G/Kids I feel sorry for?
There is much to think about, but then we keep being told by the non=believers that our planet does this heating and cooling as a natural process, but I still feel that even if we did everything possible Now! It will still be too latesmiley - erm
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Global Warming.

Post 14


Hi, Smudger, don't let it get you down my old friend! There are definitely changes afoot, big ones, and faster than at any time in the past. Whether we can do anything about it now is hard to say but we can make a difference.

Whether to ourselves or to wildlife, or both, is up to us. After all waste is stupid, even if supplies of everything were infinite. Money certainly isn't for most of us, so recycling, re-using and not buying over packaged stuff makes sense anyway. Wildlife certainly benefits with less rubbish in seas and waterways and on the land,and surely breathing cleaner air, having cleaner water and using less chemicals has to make sense whether it affects climate change or not!

I refuse to get down in the dumps about the future. This planet has been caring for itself for millions of years, and will get the better of us eventually. I can't see that the world will be any worse in the future than it has been in the past, so I think children and grandchildren will cope with whatever life throws at them.

Worrying about things we cannot alter is a waste of energy. We can only do our best.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Global Warming.

Post 15


True WS smiley - applause Must admit though previous generations never did us any favours in that department eithersmiley - winkeye
So as you say we can only do our best, but then that would mean everybody, and that is just not happening, is it?smiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Global Warming.

Post 16

helga danielsen

Smudger dear, I share your worries. I also think there is no way back. What has been done cannot be undone. It is too big already and too much damage done. I see it like a train in movement, even if we stop all the sh.. now, this minute, it will go on and on a long way before it even stops, and back it will not go! I finally saw Al Gore's film and, oh my God, it made me cry. Our beautiful Earth that I love so much..... Bye for now... Love, F

Global Warming.

Post 17


Still feel optimistic that things will turn around. smiley - smiley I believe in the power of nature over all else.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Global Warming.

Post 18


Hi F, Its good to hear from you againsmiley - ok Yes, I am afraid you are right, even if we did all stop now, it would be too latesmiley - erm

Still our younger generation seem to be more concerned about it, so maybe they will manage to at least slow things down, as the subject is even being discussed in school these days, and that is more than they did in my days at schoolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Global Warming.

Post 19

helga danielsen

Yes, we did not even know there was an environment. I was lucky because in Germany there are many songs that praise nature and as a kid we sang them a lot. I also drove out into the country side to get grass for our rabbits and I always enjoyed being in direct contact (on a bike) with nature. All my good experiences have to do with nature. I even have one in England from Bournemouth (I think that is how you write it) walking the beautiful hills among cows, grass and the typical stone 'hedges'. I shall never forget that. I wonder if it is still possible to be all alone there without fear. As I get older I long for those now unrepeatable moments! Love, to you both! F

Global Warming.

Post 20


Hi F, Yes I have fond memories of being away up in the mountains and not a soul in site for miles, well apart from the rest of the mountain rescue team, when we were on exercisesmiley - ok

All you could hear was the wind rustling your nylon jacket, and the crunch as you made your way through the virgin snow, Ah! if only I could be there nowsmiley - winkeye
When I first met Mk2 we went over to Holland to visit my sister, who has lived there since the 70s (married a Dutch sailor) and we spent hours cycling around the country side.
Just a pity my sister cut me off, right after that visit, and that smiley - winkeyewas way back in 1991smiley - erm
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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