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Reverse lyrics

Post 1

Number Six

When I get back to London, there's talk of starting a band, and mainly starting out doing cover versions. I had a sort of idea about trying songs we don't particularly like, but reversing the lyrics. Like - and this is an idea that first popped into my head when I was fifteen, mind:

Bring me up to the useless village
Where the mud is brown and the blokes are minging

I hate you - now just f*** off!

Any good, or shall I just abandon the project now? It's a bit Mark and Lard and the Shirehorses, but is that necessarily a bad thing?

smiley - mod

Reverse lyrics

Post 2


I don't understand what you mean by reversing the lyrics... smiley - erm

smiley - panda

Reverse lyrics

Post 3

Number Six

Ah... I mean reversing the meanings. A quick Google for 'Paradise City' +lyrics will probably put you right smiley - winkeye

smiley - mod

Reverse lyrics

Post 4

Trout Montague

You'd be better off doing a 10-minute sports drama ...


Reverse lyrics

Post 5


Ah, I get you now! I thought you meant putting the lyrics in the opposite order, so the song was backwards... smiley - erm

smiley - panda

Reverse lyrics

Post 6

rev. paperboy (god is an iron)

Not a bad idea at all. Humor is very important for a band if they just want to get some pub gigs and have a good time. If you are "Serious" and do only your own angst-ridden songs whilst wearing black everything, you could get lucky and get signed by a record label, but you won't have any fun. All my favorite bands to see have a sense of humor.

Reverse lyrics

Post 7

Number Six

I'd been considering that, you know. Just a question of having an idea and making the time to write... trouble is, on average I have an idea every three years.

Maybe it'd be better to throw the Paradise City thing as a quick verse as an outro to something else. Half Man Half Biscuit do it quite well - there's a song called 'Paintball's Coming Home' in which they suddenly break off and, to the tune of 'If I Was A Rich Man' the singer muses

"If I were a linesman, I would execute defenders who applauded my offsides"

smiley - mod

Reverse lyrics

Post 8

Trout Montague

Sort of Baron Knights stuff then?

Reverse lyrics

Post 9


or maybe you could use the tunes and write your own nonsense lyrics, throw them in the middle somewhere.

i managed to make out that it was paradise city you were spoofing up there without scrolling down... and i *hate* gnr!

Reverse lyrics

Post 10


A la moyles?

I've got two pale hands and i've got a knife and fork...

smiley - panda

Reverse lyrics

Post 11

Number Six

You make me feel very old there 'cos I've no idea what song you're talking about - is it by a 'popular beat combo'?

Although I must admit, I do my best to avoid Mr Moyles... a Noel Edmonds for the 21st Century if you ask me smiley - winkeye But I do like that advert with him as a dustman - makes you almost kind of like him, that.

smiley - mod

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